Fallen Stars: Chapter 2 Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Sailor Moon or anything that comprises it. This is a non-profit story written solely for my own enjoyment and that of anyone who wishes to read it. The story and original characters are mine. Please don't use them without permission. *** Fallen Stars - A Sailor Moon Fan-Fiction by Nutzoide - Chapter 2: The Taxman Cometh! Fear and Frolics in the City of Knowledge. "Why couldn't we buy a horse or something?" Minako moaned as six pairs of feet - one pair of which were hers - trudged on, just as they had done for the last six hours. "Because we don't have the money," Ami replied, "there were no horses for sale, and you are the only one of us that can ride." Makoto nodded. Unlike the four other girls she was enjoying the light endurance challenge of the walk. "It'll give you good legs," she added to Ami's reply. "There's nothing wrong with my legs except that they aaache," Minako whined, but she trudged on regardless. Next to her Rei's demonette, Desir, lit the tips of her own fingers before examining them, as if they were fingernails. "You seemed energetic enough yesterday. Where's all that pep gone?" "Pep?" Minako echoed. 'What is she, an old man?' Rei studied her unpleasant demonic resident for a moment. "Why are you walking with us anyway? Your type doesn't exactly need exercise." Desir just shrugged. "You want me back in your head?" "No!" Rei blurted back. "No, just as long as no-one sees you." The sextet were well into day two of their three day hike to the City of Knowledge, so called because of the Great Northern Library that sat at its north wall. The place was - in reality - just a large town, but that one dominating structure gave it sufficient prestige to be named a city. Of course the first time Rei had made the journey she had rushed to get there so she could find out more about the demonette she had unleashed. At the rate they were going now it would end up taking at least one day more than she had taken first time around. Thankfully the business of the rent they owed the Baron had been settled with very little hassle. Ami had already made the necessary arrangements to send word that she would pay by unconventional means, and when the official men in immaculate kimonos had arrived, with armed 'samurai' soldiers no less, the basic schematics and chemical formulae she had produced had been more than enough to satisfy them. It was all very basic, nothing that would revolutionise the country or start a war, but whoever owned them would eventually make more than enough profit to cover what she and the others owed. Haruka however had certain objections to the whole idea. Setsuna had long since instilled in her the need for care when it came to influencing the course of history, and even in this new world that concern weighed on her mind. Should things end up being altered too greatly the repercussions could be devastating. But, despite those concerns, she had swallowed her objections. What choice did she have? Ami had put a lot of work into the deal, and the only alternative was imprisonment at the very least. Ami was not one of the younger girls that Haruka had ever really spent time with. Back when they all did spend time with each other that is. Minako, Makoto and Usagi had always been more fun, if only because they had reacted to her teasing that much more - but every once in a while Ami would surprise her. Looking back on it, the night before last had been one of those surprises. It was because of that that she had kept her mind to herself, and trusted in Ami's wisdom over her own. Doing so felt wrong when she had learned to trust her own intuition so heavily, but then again that intuition had been proven fallible more than once. So, once Haruka had worked up the nerve, she had caught Ami's attention and they had dropped back from the others as they all walked onwards. If nothing else, she wanted Ami to share that wisdom of hers, if only to put her own mind at ease that the knowledge she had sold would lead to nothing of any significance in the grand scheme of things. While Minako was more concerned with her aching feet, and Desir seemed content to be manifest for once and to flick fire at passing insects, Rei - now blissfully free from Desir's voice inside her head - and Makoto had noticed the pair behind them. Ami was not one for long conversations. Not unless they concerned work, or an academic fascination of hers that usually left the rest of them lost in less than a minute. "I think you're right Mako-chan," Rei said. "Haruka-san is loosening up. That is the longest conversation she's had with any of us for months." "Yep," Makoto replied, smiling. "Ami-chan was right, we just need to be understanding. At least Ami-chan has something to talk about with her." Rei nodded. "Actually, I think she's more on the outers' level than we are. They can talk about more things than idol singers and cute boys. I don't even know what Haruka-san likes doing." "Well, racing and tinkering with her car and her bike," Makoto mused, trying to list what she knew of Haruka and finding herself coming up short as well. "Oh, she looks like she's enjoying it when she plays the piano." "Where are we going to find a motorbike or a piano Mako-chan?" Rei asked with rhetorical sarcasm. "She can't do any of that here, they haven't even been invented yet. Listen to them, they're talking about what this world can and can't do yet, and how we're going to affect it." Makoto thought about that. "We aren't that immature, right? I mean, we could talk about that stuff too. It's just we have different things we're better at. None of us has ever had much in common - besides being the sailor senshi anyway." Rei blinked in surprise. That was ridiculous. They were... They had... "You're right. Wow. I never actually thought about it before." Makoto gave a wan smile. "Living alone can give you too much time to think sometimes." Rei suddenly felt a little concerned. Only Minako and Usagi had a full family, but had they been neglecting the only one of them who had lived alone back home? "Mako-chan, you know you can always come to the shrine to talk or if you get lonely, right?" Then she realised where they were. "Well, you could have done, but any of us would listen if you want to talk." Makoto laughed, "Come on Rei-chan, I'm fine. Besides, sometimes Ami-chan and me would get together if her Mum was working and I was bored. She thinks too much too, so we would keep each other company." "Hey," Minako interrupted, "what're you all talking about without me? All these fields are boring, and Desir's gone off to find something to eat so I can't watch her fry dragonflies." "That she-devil is a menace," Rei grumbled to herself. "Should we find her?" Makoto asked. "If she eats by burning things she could end up torching all these crops." Rei shook her head. "No, when I re-affirmed the pact I made sure she had to put out her food once she's done. If she doesn't want me to kill it for her then I'm not going to complain. She probably found a dead tree to incinerate somewhere if she just wants a snack." "So come on guys," Minako wheedled with a smile on her face, "What's the gossip?" "Just that none of us really have anything in common," Rei replied. "Sure we do," Minako countered, "umm... we all like ice cream!" Rei and Makoto both sighed. *** In the end the City of Knowledge was a hard place to miss. The top tower of the library could be seen from miles away, dwarfing the rest of the shops and homes. With so many people making pilgrimages to study there the girls found no lack of places to stay, but Rei was more than happy to make her own recommendation: the rooms in the library itself. There weren't many and they were furnished for monks rather than common people - anyone of higher status would have refused them point blank, they were so sparse - but Rei assured her friends that a couple of them would suit their needs. In the end Minako bunked with Rei while the other three shared the second room. Having Desir to-ing and fro-ing in and out of her was tiring enough, but during their trip Rei seemed to have had a hard time sleeping. As such Ami had been volunteered to share the same room since she was well known from their past sleepovers as a sound sleeper, but for some reason Rei had asked for Minako instead. None of the others had the heart to disappoint the happy blonde by objecting. However, they barely had time to drop their bags and pick which of the ready-prepared futons they wanted before Ami fell victim to her base instincts and dragged everyone down into the vast, book- filled halls to study. She was in her element as she scanned the shelves, picking out handfuls of leather-bound tomes to add to the piles already taking shape on their study table. The others just watched in gob-smacked awe, happy to sit down after their three and a half day hike, but yearning for a hot bath and an afternoon in bed. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Makoto said with a half hearted smile. "I don't think we'll ever get her to leave!" "Be nice," Minako said from where she had flopped over the table. "If she's studying then we don't have to." "Not this time Minako-chan," Ami said from behind the blonde before depositing her last armful of books in front of them. "We stopped for lunch early so that we could start looking for a way home as soon as we got here. Or did you just say that so you would eat earlier?" "Of course I did," Minako admitted honestly, "we were all starving!" Ami just sighed and sat down with them. "I should have known, but I'm not going to let you off that easily. I've even picked out the most likely books in this alcove so that you didn't have to, so let's get to it everyone." She was rewarded with a trio of 'yes's, all reluctant but obeying their long time study boss. Ami could only hope that Haruka was doing the work she promised on the upper floors, but after their talks on the way there she had little concern that the older girl would shirk her responsibilities in helping them get home. That end seemed to be the source of most of Haruka's feelings now, and for all her outwardly laid back attitude Ami could tell that Haruka would take this responsibility seriously. She had also promised Ami that she would share any findings in those more occult related books, as well as what ideas about getting home she had gleaned from her time in the warlock cabal. The rest of them would search among more traditional books of magic, philosophy and legend. What they lacked in wisdom to guide them was made up by Desir's seeming endless knowledge as related by Rei. In fact the priestess soon asked her spiritual hitch-hiker whether she could just tell them how to get back, but unfortunately that was something even the demonette didn't know. 'We just get called up, it's not like we can control where we go,' she said inside Rei's head. 'Even if I wanted to go back I wouldn't know how. Either the pact is annulled and I get dragged back, I get banished and shoved back, or you die a horrible screaming death and, guess what, I'm hurtling home again.' 'So... you really need me,' Rei realised. 'Not just for a host, but to stay out of hell. You don't want to go back do you?' Desir's essence glared as only an internal demonic essence can. 'I just need you alive. More than that...' Rei decided to let the matter drop after that unspoken threat. Those conversations never ended well, and she was worried enough as it was. The most disturbing thing was that as soon as she changed the topic Desir would act as if nothing had happened, back to her condescending cute act as she gave her commentary on the falsities of the stories and theories the girls read out. "Oh, how about this one," Minako added to their list, "The four Fairy Queens..." Rei had to sigh as Desir started to laugh. "I don't think so Minako-chan." 'Oh that's too sweet, kiddies,' Desir opined, 'but no, you're not going to find fairies here. Your world must be a real killer if you believe that.' "Hey, we don't know," Rei rebutted out loud before remembering herself. 'The closest we get to demons are space aliens.' 'Space aliens?' Desir asked, a little surprised. 'Well, I've gotta give you people some credit if you've made contact outside your planet. This world doesn't even know what a galaxy is, not that it makes much difference. Discovering practical space travel is just nature's way of telling you that you won't last much longer.' Rei frowned. 'That's one lie I can see right through. And how would you know anyway?" 'Well,' Desir replied, happy to prove her point, 'take this Moon Kingdom of yours. It reaches out into the solar system, flourishes for a bit, then crumples like a kicked dandelion because it ventured somewhere it didn't belong. I've seen your thoughts about the future too; your Crystal Tokyo can only happen once the slate has been wiped clean. That won't happen by itself, will it my naive little friend? Either you go out and bring something back, or something finds you from out there. Assuming you get back that is.' 'Shut up,' Rei replied, not wanting to think about it any more. "Minako-chan, trust me, put that book down. It won't help." Minako sighed and laid the book of fairy legends on top of the pile of dead ends. "They were good stories at least. It would have been nice to meet some fairies." "You know," Makoto said, letting her book drop from in front of her nose, "I'd expected a library run by priests to have someone to ask about this kind of thing. I thought priests would all be casting spells and fighting evil, not looking after books." "You've been reading too many of my manga haven't you?" Rei said, looking up from her own tome. "This isn't Louie the Rune Soldier or the Lodoss War. The priests here are just like back home, only with longer beards." "But surely they would be wanting to use magic to help people," Makoto countered. "I mean, you're a priestess and you can see visions in your fire." Rei shook her head. "I'm not psychic because I work... worked at grandpa's shrine. If anything it's the other way around - I was a much better shrine maiden because I could see those visions in the flame. I thought more people would be using magic too, especially since you all made so much progress in only a month, but evidently not." "We didn't really make much progress," Ami chipped in. "We are just naturally talented at the basics of our disciplines, or that's the way it seems. Minako-chan has broadened her skill, but says she lacks a lot of the power a stage magician has, and Mako-chan and myself have some power but very few ways to use it." 'It's easy to see which one of you got blessed with the brains,' Desir quipped, but Rei ignored her. Minako nodded, laying her head on her folded arms. "My tutor thought I was crazy to want to learn magic, because it doesn't lead anywhere. You have to be really seriously good to be a professional, and he said it would take even the best student years to get that far." "But with the nomads over half of them used magic," Makoto said, more than a little confused. Her experiences now seemed to be drifting even further from the world the others had explored. "It was routine to them." "What did they do with it?" Minako asked, as if she already knew the answer. Makoto thought for a moment. "They made the leather for this outfit cure faster, nurtured their fruit trees... made it rain. Just little things, but..." "That's what I mean," Minako interrupted. "It's only useful for little things, but it's really tiring isn't it? It sounds like they used their magic to give nature a helping hand, but they could have waited for nature to do it itself and saved their energy. I guess to them it's worth the effort, but for most people it's not. Magic can't really do anything worthwhile, and what it can do would probably happen anyway or would be easier to do yourself." "The farmer I borrowed the book on levitation from," Ami added, "he said he wanted to learn it so that he wouldn't have to carry his heavy sacks of grain anymore. The problem was that once he was skilled enough it was even harder to levitate them than it was to carry them himself. Now he just uses the basic principle of the magic to make the sacks lighter and he says it is easier, but he doesn't know if that was worth spending his free time studying for half a year." Minako nodded. "That's it. I don't think it's that people can't, it's that learning magic is a waste of time for most of them." A crestfallen Makoto nodded. It seemed such a limp reason, but she supposed it did make sense. She had thought this world was a much more mystical and meaningful place because magic seemed in such abundance, but in the end it was just the realm of the obsessive practitioners and of those needing a small helping hand in their everyday lives. "What about soldiers?" she asked. "It would be useful for them, right? We all talked about how useful our magic would be in a fight." "True," Rei replied, "but we haven't had to fight any, so we don't know." She paused for a moment. "Desir says that most don't unless they've been specially trained, and bandits probably won't because they have no-one to teach them. The one that tried to rob me didn't know any, or he would have tried to use some to get away, I think. Maybe real soldiers trust their weapons and skills." "Also," Ami put in, "they do dress like samurai. If they don't use magic they may have some sort of code of honour that precludes using the arcane. The two I saw with the tax collector didn't seem to have rank-specific weapons like the old samurai from home, but they may pride themselves on their martial focus in the same way. Perhaps the ones who focus on the arcane do the same, but the other way around." She sighed and turned her eyes back to her book. "Anyway, this is all speculation. Is there anything to say that the Wells of Souls myths have any truth to them?" 'Sure' Desir replied, 'You can travel to another world by jumping down certain wells. The drop kills you, your soul leaves your body, then goes to the next world!' Rei sighed and relayed the information, but chose to use her own words. *** By the time they finished for the evening even Ami was both physically and mentally exhausted, and the opportunity for a hot bath after three days on the road was one that none of them passed up. Rei and Minako said their farewells for the night and left for their room while Ami and Makoto met Haruka in their own. The light was already fading fast as Makoto, blushing furiously, slipped naked into the small metal tub that had been left for them. Despite her flush however she was too tired to let the lack of privacy in the small shared room bother her too much. She just tried to think of it like the time she had been to the public baths back home because her apartment's water pipes had burst. 'Besides,' she thought as she let the hot water sooth her tired muscles, 'it's just Ami-chan and Haruka-san. It's not like it means anything.' Apart from the faint blush over Ami's own cheeks there wasn't anything to say otherwise, and they all knew Ami was far more reserved than the rest of them about such things. Although the tub was far too small for her Makoto managed to relax back in it, her shoulders and knees sticking out of the water. She had never had a western style bath before, but that seemed to be the norm here. With the nomads she had been left to wash herself as she saw fit, but it felt strange not to wash herself off before getting into the tub. It didn't feel as unhygienic as she thought it would have, and while less refreshing there was a strangely luxurious side to it, even though her feet and shoulders were cramped against the metal. She sighed as she let her head drop back over the edge of the tub, tuning her attention back into Ami and Haruka as they spoke, lying on their futons. "Ami-chan, admit it," she said. "It was a bust. This is going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack." Ami looked over to her, a little crestfallen. "I knew it wouldn't be easy," she admitted, "but we have at least eliminated a lot of the more mainstream myths. It would have been too much to ask to find our way home in the first afternoon." Makoto nodded from her bath by the window. "So how long are we going to do this? We could be here for years and not find anything." Ami just stared at the floor. "What else can we do? Desir is the only other lead we have, and she says she doesn't know where to start." Haruka frowned at that and rolled over onto her front, looking over at the younger pair. "And you believe it?" Ami gave a wan smile. "Do we have any other choice?" Makoto agreed. "Rei-chan doesn't trust her, but she does at least believe what Desir tells her. She knows her better than any of us, so that's good enough for me." Haruka just huffed and crossed her arms under herself. "Don't rely on her too much. I'd trust your guesses before that demon's 'wisdom'." Ami rolled onto her side to face the older girl. "So what did you find Haruka-san?" she asked, neatly changing the subject. "You still haven't told us what it was you thought you could find." "The cabal was always focused on looking into a person to find meaning," Haruka replied, "not out into the world around them. I thought that maybe there was a biological or spiritual answer. We were sent to this world by a single person's magic, not by a folk tale or a freak rift in space. Maybe, if you can't find any magic for dimensional travel, we can send ourselves back because of what we are and where we are from." Haruka turned, leaning on one arm as the other lay across her waist. Ami was intrigued by the idea and Makoto realised that it made good sense if Haruka really understood how it might work. "The west tower is where they keep books about the warlock 'Art', and the heavier spiritual reading." Then she gave an apologetic half-smile. "But it's hard going. There's not much indication which books might have relevant work, so I don't know where to start other than scanning through as many as I can on internal power and tangible spiritual belonging or origin. "So far I haven't found anything," she finished. "At least not that has any practical use. There's a lot of good theory, but no ways of using it." "Well," Ami said after a while, "it is a good avenue to look at. I'll ask Desir, but I think the folk tales and legends might be a waste of time altogether after the ones we've read. I'll try and think of some ways to narrow down our search for tomorrow." "Ami-chan," Makoto chided, "you're as tired as the rest of us." She stood up in the water and gave a quick stretch before reaching for a towel and wrapping it around herself. "Take your bath and get a good night's sleep. We can worry about that when we're all together and thinking straight." Ami smiled, looking over to her friend as she rolled onto her back. "Thanks Mako-chan, but I'm okay just now." She sighed. "Haruka- san, you can have the next bath. I ache too much to get up!" Haruka chuckled and slowly got to her feet, working the crick out of her shoulder from where she had been lying. "If you say so Ami- chan. Thanks." Ami couldn't help but sigh as she watched the other two standing in the red grow of the sunset that seeped in through the thick, dusty window, both only half clothed as one dressed and the other disrobed. Haruka and Makoto looked over to her and she averted her eyes. Haruka smiled and continued to shed her clothing, a little more slowly now, while Makoto giggled at Ami's embarrassment. "What are you sighing about Ami-chan?" she asked as she pulled her loose, baggy sleepwear over her bra. "I was just thinking it's a good thing I don't get jealous," Ami replied, a little amused at their slight misinterpretation, "because seeing you two like that can make a girl feel very plain." Makoto blinked in surprise. 'Me... make her feel plain?' she boggled. "Ami-chan, you're the one who got the love letters in her locker door, remember?" That caught Ami off guard, and she blushed scarlet at the memories. Haruka smiled as she sank into the hot water she had poured for herself. Even cramped into the tub she could still look smugly rakish. "Even I remember that," she added. "H-hey, that's not fair," Ami tried to counter through her flaming cheeks, but the other two were already laughing at the adorable sight that was a flustered Ami. Still, Ami's remarks had not been completely turned back on their owner. Makoto couldn't help but feel happy hearing that someone saw her as attractive, rather than as an oversized tomboy or a feminine wannabe, and the fact that Ami was her closest friend made the compliment even warmer. As self-deprecating as it had been Haruka also smiled at the compliment Ami had given her. Ami was a hard girl to tease. The words had come from the wrong person, but Haruka was not going to let herself feel guilty just for enjoying a compliment. That night she dreamed of Michiru - and this time it did not end as a nightmare. *** The Great Northern Library was one of those buildings that had started out a lot smaller, and had been added to over the years to become the architectural wonder it was. Unfortunately that meant that not all the space was as well used as it could have been, un-needed walls and alcoves now running through the place. Most were filled with the ever growing collection of books, but what had been the old priests' quarters was now just a large annex at the side. It was empty for most of the time, but every morning and evening the monks, priests and library guests would fill the small hall and line the low tables for breakfast and dinner. The meals were spare at best, porridge flavoured with a little jam or fruit this particular morning, but it was substantial enough to last until midday. Haruka and Makoto ate with relish even though it was a plain meal by both their standards, but after a good night in a proper futon they were all in much better spirits. Ami only picked at her food, but that was because she had brought a book to the table. After seeing some of the monks doing the same she decided to bear the occasional stares for being impolite and indulge herself in some more light study. "Ahhh," Makoto sighed once she had finished her food. "You know, this place isn't too bad. Free meals, a proper roof and somewhere to train. The nomads were great, but those caravans were really draughty. Actually it kind of reminds me of when I was doing my martial arts training, only with books." Ami looked up over her book curiously. "Somewhere to train?" Makoto nodded. "Yeah, there's this kind of track-way around the library and some old roped up stumps at the back. While you were book hunting before breakfast I went for a quick work out." Haruka smirked. "I thought you'd have had enough with all this hiking." Makoto smiled and shrugged. "Like I said, it reminded me of my training lessons. Once I get used to the exercise again I really enjoy it. Aside from when we were being Senshi I didn't really do so much, except jogging. Since we can't transform any more it seemed like a good time to get back into the swing of it." Haruka nodded in agreement. "That's not a bad idea. Next time wake me up, I'll train with you." Makoto gave her a thoughtful look. "We haven't sparred in a while have we?" Haruka suddenly stumbled. She had almost forgotten the reason she had felt so awkward around them all. Had Ami really allayed her worries so much before they had set off for this place? "Well, only if you want me to, you know?" "No, no, I'd like that," Makoto replied, dispelling Haruka's worry. "You never did teach me that backwards trip move." Ami smiled behind her book, glad that her intuition and advice had been proved right. Haruka was her own worst enemy sometimes, but they would help her leave all that behind. It was then that Minako and Rei finally arrived. The annex had only a few diners left and Rei gave them all a tired wave before going up to get some food for Minako and herself. "Geez, Minako-chan," Makoto exclaimed, "you two look wiped out!" "Minako-chan," Ami scolded once Rei was out of earshot, "we told you to let Rei-chan get some sleep. She has enough to tire her out as it is!" Minako just sat down, the dark rings evident around her eyes, and gave Ami a weak, apologetic smile. "Sorry, but I think Rei-chan was keeping us up more than I was!" *** The rest of the day unfolded much as the previous afternoon had. Haruka spent her time scouring the west tower for anything that might be even remotely useful among the obtuse and elliptical texts while Ami rounded up the tomes for the rest of them to read. This time Rei was left to her own devices, since she and Desir could scan the shelves and dismiss each legend as they came to it, while the other three read up on all the magic books they could regarding travel and spatial manipulation. By sunset a very annoyed and bleary eyed Haruka had once again come up empty handed, while the others had only found one potentially useful piece of magical theory. However, since the amount of power needed to even test it was far beyond lethal for the caster, Ami just memorised it and had them move on. Even if she could somehow re-work the spell to cross dimensions instead of just inverted space, none of them had the first clue how to begin manipulating those kinds of powers. Assuming it was a parallel dimension that they were in. The Mercury Computer had said it was a high probability given the many underlying similarities between their own world and this one, but it was far from certain. That night they all went to bed less than optimistic, but if nothing else it would just drive them to look harder the following day. "Minako-chan? Are you asleep?" The tired blonde sighed and opened her eyes. "Nope, but the others will kill me if we don't get some soon Rei-chan." There was a pause in the darkened room. The pair could barely make each other out in the darkness, but even Rei's silhouette looked troubled. "... Do you think they won? Back home without us." That was a new one, and Minako found herself once again wide awake. Usually the pair of them would just chat inanely about anything and everything - Rei, Usagi and Minako were like that - but it wasn't often that they had serious talks like this without the others there. "Of course!" Minako replied, as if it were obvious. "I bet they kicked that harpy's butt back into the hill-zone stage!" "I'm not even going to ask," Rei muttered to herself. "But, really, you think Usagi-chan, Michiru-san and Setsuna-san won? That winged witch took out five of us before we knew what was happening. Maybe they're all in some other world too, or maybe they weren't powerful enough to stop her without us." "Sailor Moon could handle her," Minako replied honestly. "When it comes to the lunch she's the power and we're the support. Damned good support since she only gets serious when we're all going to die. But still, I'm sure they're all fine." Rei nodded to herself. "I think you mean 'comes to the crunch', and I guess you're right. I just hope Usagi-chan's okay without us. You know what she's like." "Mamoru-san is a good guy," Minako replied. "He'll look after her. Now get some sleep or I'll get yelled at again." "But Minako-chan..." "Sleep!" When Rei remained silent Minako nodded to herself and shut her eyes, determined to catch a few winks before another boring day. Of course, now that she really wanted to sleep she couldn't do anything but stare at the insides of her eyelids. There wasn't much worse in Minako's book than sitting around - or indeed lying around - and having to do nothing but be silent. She was about to start counting sheep to see if it really worked when she heard a light sniffle come from the other futon. "Rei-chan?" The only response was a small sob and Minako quickly got out of her futon and crawled over to her friend. "Rei-chan, are you crying?" Rei didn't reply, lying curled up away from Minako, but Minako wasn't about to let her deal with this on her own, whatever it was. "Rei-chan, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting her friend up and forcing Rei to look at her through the darkness. "I... I can't go to sleep Mina-chan," Rei wept. "I'm so scared!" "Scared? Of what?" Minako asked, incredulous. "The dark?" "Of *her*," Rei replied angrily. "That... demon woman!" Minako just blinked, worried but with no idea what to do or say about that. "Why? What's she doing to you?" "Nothing, that's the point!" Rei sobbed back. "You don't have to hear her Mina-chan. You don't have to hear her say what she'll do to your friends when you're asleep, or how she'll 'help you' with the people you come across, or the cruel things she promises to do as if she thought they would make you happy." Minako suddenly felt very afraid for her. "But you said she couldn't hurt anyone, right? It's in your pact, right?" "She's smarter than me Mina-chan," Rei replied through her tears. "Every time I think I've got one up on her she turns it around. I don't know what she could do to you all if I fall asleep. What if she decides to interpret the pact differently one day? What if she forces you to use that spell Ami found to send me home!? I don't want this any more. I want her to go away, but she's always here. She can hear everything I do Mina-chan, she knows we're talking about her! She's just sitting inside my head like a scientist looking at their pet mouse!" Minako's face firmed and she hugged Rei, letting her cry onto her shoulder. "You can punish her though, right? You're the master, that's how it's supposed to work with these things. You hurt her when you forced her out to show her to us. Just do it again." "I can't," Rei rasped into Minako's night dress. "I'm too tired. I can't control her any more. I can't even meditate enough to block her out now." "Then get her to promise to behave for one night," Minako suggested. "In return you promise not to punish her tomorrow. I'll stay up and make sure she keeps her word, and you sleep. Tomorrow you force her out, and we'll deal with her." "You can't!" Rei exclaimed, pulling back and staring desperately into Minako's eyes. "Y-you aren't even senshi any more. She could..." Then Rei shuddered and let out a gasp before falling limp in Minako's arms. "Rei-chan! Rei-chan!" "Oh, don't worry," Desir said from behind Rei, her hair lighting up the room in its flickering orange glow. "I think I just exhausted her once and for all." "You..." Minako growled. "Now now," Desir said, "I just appeared to agree with you. There's no way she'd fall asleep otherwise. She's got a great little tornado of worry going around in that glossy head of hers. Serves her right." "How dare..!" Minako bit out before being interrupted again. "I'll leave off for tonight. No tricks, no nightmares, no dead priests, so get some sleep yourself. In return she doesn't do *anything* to me until you and I have a little chat. Bring the others if you want, but leave Rei out of it." Then Rei moaned in her sleep and Desir was gone, the light of her flaming hair fading as it burnt away into nothingness. Minako frowned to herself, but stroked Rei's hair comfortingly as the girl slept in her arms. "And people say *I* don't let them get a word in edgeways." *** Desir smiled as she strolled into the topmost room of the highest tower the Great Northern Library had. "You brought the whole gang," she gushed, eyeing the suspicious quartet. "I'm touched!" "I told them what you've been doing Desir," Minako said, trying to sound threatening but not sure if she really wanted to succeed. "Good," Desir said, walking past them and popping herself down on the edge of the piled reading table. "My host is still asleep, so let's have ourselves a natter." 'There she goes again,' thought Minako, unable to help thinking that the demonette sounded like the old biddy that lived at the end of her road back home. "So talk," Haruka said, not concealing her contempt for a second. "Why do all that to her?" Makoto added. "She can't have done anything to deserve it. She's not that kind of person." Desir sighed. "Spoilsport. Suffice to say that as fun as it is stringing out her sanity, I'd be happy to compromise." Her face turned hard. "Getting punished by your host is more than a slap on the wrist, and Rei is very liberal with her beatings." "Mako-chan's right," Ami said, "Rei-chan wouldn't do that..." "Not if she knew quite how harsh she was being," Desir agreed. "I may have no compunction about frying the odd pleb, but Rei is a humanitarian. Unfortunately what she feels from me is nothing compared to what I feel when she squashes me up in the corner of her mind - as if I'd actually try anything in public." Suddenly the demonette smiled. "So, a compromise. She and I give each other some room. She managed it in the beginning, she can do so again." "I don't buy it," Haruka put in. "You already have your freedom since you've been keeping her exhausted - you told Minako-chan as much - and like you said, you aren't a humanitarian. You and Rei-san say we couldn't touch you if we forced the issue and, if we did, that would probably be enough to annul the pact considering that we are bound to be in it, correct?" "Mmm-hmm," Desir nodded, "non-aggression agreements go two ways. I can't touch you, you can't try to banish me. Anything less than that and I'd probably enjoy the fight!" "So, why this?" Haruka finished, intentionally feeding Desir's ego. "Unless we really try to get rid of you, you hold all the cards." Desir smiled. "I wouldn't go that far my androgynous friend-to-be. Still, let's just say I do. Who cares? I'm sure we can be of more use to each other than this, and I'll look forward to whatever messes you girls get yourselves into. How does that tickle you?" The four girls looked at each other for a moment before Ami spoke. "I'd like it in writing if you don't mind, as part of your pact with Rei-chan. And she watches us do it." Desir looked non-plussed at that. "Oh please. I'll lose all my work on her!" The girls glared at her. "That's the point," Makoto deadpanned. "We'll get Rei-chan to understand what you mean since you so obviously can't. Rei-chan gets to see that she doesn't have to be scared for us any more. I'd say that's fair." "Fine! Done." Desir huffed. "It's a good thing I like you lot," she said before evaporating back into Rei's sleeping mind. "I think I see what you mean Haruka-san," Makoto growled. "Mako-chan," Minako piped up, "I thought about something last night. And don't make that face, I'm serious," she added when Makoto rolled her eyes. "All right, all right," Makoto placated. "What's up?" Minako's features turned thoughtful. "Well, even once we've got this fixed, Desir isn't going to let up on talking all the time. Rei- chan said she never shut up even before she started getting really mean. If she's having trouble blocking her out, and if meditating helps her do that, couldn't you give her some more pointers?" "Me?" Makoto asked, very confused. "I just did some of that 'empty body, empty mind' stuff for my martial arts, back when I was training properly. I've seen Rei-chan meditate and she's a lot deeper than that." "Yeah," Minako continued, "but she's focusing on something, isn't she? She's in the fire zone or something, and you just fill yourself up with nothing. Maybe if she tried your way instead it might work better. Or maybe mix the two and get the best of both zones!" Makoto gave a weak smile. "I don't think it really works like that Minako-chan, but I suppose I could try. Who knows?" "Heh, so blondes do have the occasional brainwave after all," Haruka quipped. "Haruka-sannn," Minako whined, "that's mean! And you're blonde too!" 'Here it comes,' Ami thought to herself with a smile as she left them and started to sort the books she had collected. "You're just cute when you're cross Mina-chan," Haruka added with a grin before sloping off to do her own research, leaving Minako to blush cutely and the other two to laugh. *** "So," Makoto asked as she and Rei sat at their table, the only two people left in the dining hall, "how are you feeling?" "Better. Especially after a night's sleep," Rei said, stirring the remains of her gruel around in her bowl. "I can't believe I made a fuss the way I did actually. I feel kind of silly." "Like the others said, we can't blame you for it," Makoto replied. "We didn't realise how much trouble that thing was causing." Rei looked up and sighed. "She can hear you, you know." "So? After this morning she knows what we think about her. So are you feeling up to it?" Rei had to think about that. Re-learning her focus wasn't something she was too eager to get back to. The new pact that she, Ami and Haruka had worked out with Desir had set her at ease, at least more so than she had been in a long while. She felt that was enough to get on with. Now that Desir was bound not to do anything without her permission, not even manifesting, she felt safe not having to keep the demonette under pressure any more. It was a little too intimate for her liking, having that creature roaming free and seemingly unrestricted inside her mind, but it was in the contract that she couldn't come out, so she just tried to get used to it. She still didn't believe what the others told her about the effects her mental punishments had on Desir, but that was in the contract too. She only used it when she would use physical violence on a human who had done the same thing. And not the kind of play- fights she would have with Usagi and Minako either. That was already proving difficult. The instinct to slap Desir down for what she said was strong, and she knew that practicing to block out that stream of one-sided conversation would just bate the demonette even more. "It's either that or we get to join the others in their book hunting," Makoto prodded with a hopeful look in her eyes. Rei sighed again. "Alright. But it'll be weird without my fire in front of me." Makoto smiled, both glad she had accepted and with an edge of the crafty 'we got out of studying' smile on her face. "That's the point." Ten minutes later they were both settled in that tall, empty tower. Makoto had cleared away the furniture so the pair of them could sit on the floor, cross legged in meditation. The stairway door was locked too, and with good reason. "Alright girls," Desir said as she appeared, a feral grin on her face, "prepare to steam!" They knew that the meditation in itself would be useless. Rei had already learned that, and she had trances that a meteor shower couldn't interrupt. She had to find an empty trance that couldn't be worn down. A peaceful bubble of a place, unlike the roaring focus she found in her sacred fire. "Okay Rei-chan," Makoto said, "just relax, close your eyes and let everything in your mind go. If you have to concentrate on anything, just focus on my voice." "Are you trying to help me meditate or hypnotise me?" Rei asked from her loose lotus position. Makoto smiled to herself. "I suppose you could think of it like that. I always did." "You are feeling sleepy," Desir said from the side, wiggling her fingers at the pair. "Veeerrry sleeeepy." "Only my voice," Makoto continued. "Think of Desir like Usagi- chan when we all try to study at your shrine." Rei flushed a little. "Mako-chan, that isn't a helpful comparison!" "When I snap my fingers," Desir continued in the background, "you will awake, find those little tongs Ami has in her travelling bag, and slowly pull each other's fingernails out, one by one." "Ewww!!" Makoto exclaimed, falling out of her meditation pose and looking at the demonette in disgust. "That's revolting! You have a really nasty mind!" "She's not usually so graphic unless she's making a threat," Rei said, "but you can see what I mean." Desir just collapsed with laughter at the look on Makoto's face, and the two girls started again from the beginning. This time however, now that Makoto knew a little about who and what they were up against, Desir's gross out tactics failed to work, no matter how repugnant the imagery she tried to create for them. Of course she didn't want to use the truly nastiest ideas she could have come up with, this was just for fun, but she took it as a challenge to find a new technique each time. Rei and Makoto only lasted forty five minutes before Desir's history of the Emperor's rise to power drove them both to start hurling books at the amused demonette, but by lunch the had got it up to an hour and a half. By that time both Desir and their hunger had got the best of them, and they left to eat with the others and spend the rest of the day hitting the books with Ami and Minako. Curiously neither pair could tell who looked like they had worked the hardest. As for Desir, she knew she was fighting a losing battle with this little meditation game, but she would enjoy it while it lasted. By nightfall she was pleased to see Rei snapping at Minako for grilling her on what she and Makoto had done all morning, rather than letting them both get some sleep. In the time she had known Rei the only other person the raven haired girl had ever really got angry at was Desir herself, aside from her initial shock over Haruka's choice of allies. It was fun to see this new side of her, just like all the images she saw in the girl's memory. *** Rei and Makoto made steady progress as the week wore on, both learning and re-learning how to stay calm and focused as Desir took her verbal pot-shots at them both. As soon as one started to fold under the annoying, abusive or grotesque onslaught the other would support her, and it was slowly becoming instinct rather than each other's reassurances that kept their mental defences up. "Of course," Rei said as they went about the small city that Friday lunch time, "just staying focused is one thing. Getting stuff done with all that racket is quite another." "Come on Rei-chan," Makoto reassured her. "She's not going to beat us!" "Yep! Do your best guys!" Minako chipped in, proud of her friend's resolve against the tyrant demonette. In fact Desir was curiously quiet as they all stopped at their usual bakery for lunch, but no amount of mental prodding from Rei would get her to talk about it. Instead the shrine maiden just enjoyed the brief peace inside her head as Ami broke the latest news to them all. "We shouldn't start to worry yet," the young genius said, "but we are rapidly running out of money." "What?" Minako asked, worried for both her cleanliness and her stomach. "You said we had enough when we left that town. I bought my nightie because you said we could afford it!" "We could," Ami replied. "And we have another week in our rooms here, but after that..." She turned a little pensive. "So," Makoto put in, "we need to get some jobs." Ami nodded. "I'm sure there are plenty we could enquire about around here, and all of us have worthwhile skills we could offer." "But if we spend all day working we can't be looking for our way out of here," Haruka added, obviously concerned about that. "That's the problem," Ami agreed, "and as Minako-chan can attest, the average person does not get paid much more than they need to live on. Unless we can all find very well paid part time jobs we won't be able to make this work, especially with Mako-chan and Rei-chan taking so much time out to practice keeping Desir under control." "Ami-chan, we really need to do this," Makoto said, trying to be understanding without giving ground to her friend. "That demon has taken it as a challenge to try and talk Rei-chan into the ground." Rei would have agreed, but Desir had finally caught her attention and she looked off down the street. "Guys, I think we might have bigger problems than that." They all turned to see one of the priests outside the library pointing to them all, and the two men he was talking with soon started to head their way. The fact that anyone would be looking for them at all was a worry, but they were dressed in samurai armour and each had a large sword at his hip. "Those are the same kind of soldiers that were with the rent collector," Ami said quietly. "What are we gonna do?" Minako asked anxiously. Ami just put a smile on over her own unease. "Let's see what they want. The ones before were perfectly polite." The samurai-esque soldiers seemed a little surprised to see their targets come to greet them. "You are the party of one Miss Mizuno?" "I'm Mizuno A... I mean I'm Ami Mizuno," Ami spoke up, carefully practicing the unusual dialect Seiji people used. Unlike Minako and Makoto she hadn't dealt with people all that much, even now she had been living there over a month. "How can I help you?" "Then please come with us," the other solider said in a very official tone. "We have been tasked with bringing you before his lordship Comte Damyo, on the matter of your outstanding dues." "Hey Ami-chan," Makoto whispered with a grin, "he said your dues were great! Nice work." "I don't think he meant outstanding that way Mako-chan," Ami replied, more than a little worried. "What outstanding dues would they be sirs?" Ami asked the armoured men. "I was told that my payment for the house we stayed at was considered fair, if not more so." The second soldier shook his head. "Miss, the dues on workable lands come to six Crown, as of the first day of this month. The collector had not yet been appraised of this change as it affected your payment until after he had passed the town of Karata, and you had fled by the time he returned." "What," Minako exclaimed, "you mean we owe you *more* for staying in that rickety old shack?!" Haruka narrowed her eyes and glared at the soldier. "Bad practice to send out the taxman without knowing what the taxes are." "Sir," the first soldier said in warning, not realising Haruka was female under her masculine garb, "this was an error and we are asking you to come with us so that we can correct it." "Go where?" Ami asked. "The papers I gave should still cover the extra half Crown if their plans are used well." "That is not for us to say Miss. Comte Damyo himself must decide since this is a special case, and he has asked that you be brought before him." Inside her head Desir whispered to Rei. 'He means the lowland capital, Lillium. It's four days ride away at best, on the other side of the lowlands.' "You mean take us to Lillium?" Rei asked the guards once Desir had finished. "We can't go there, we have rooms paid for and need to study at the library!" The second soldier glared. "We will be forced to arrest you if you choose not to abide by the laws. You are only given leave to come freely because this was an oversight on our part." "You can't arrest us!" Makoto exclaimed. "We haven't done anything wrong yet!" "What do you mean yet?!" Minako put in. Haruka tensed up as one soldier moved his hand to the sword at his side. "This isn't going well," she said to the others. Rei nodded. "I read that legally they can kill us if we resist arrest." "And we can't do anything in a cell, waiting for this lord to milk Ami-chan dry of our technology," Haruka added. The soldier frowned as they muttered to each other and drew his sword. The small crowd that had gathered around them stepped back, just in case. "Sir, girls, come with us now. I will not ask again." Ami's instinct was to go with them, but she also knew that this display couldn't just be over such a small amount of money. For their month at that place, the extra would only be the cost of a few nights in a reasonable inn. Whoever this lord was wanted them for his own purposes, and probably for the reason Haruka guessed. What else could he know about them? "I can just about pay the dues in coin sirs," she said firmly, "but I will not be harassed for such a small amount. I do not want any trouble, but either take what we owe now or let us come to your lord in our own time." The soldiers were not used to anyone telling them what they could or could not do, let alone a girl that was barely an adult. "You have a mouth girl," one of them said as he reached out to grab her wrist. "Minako-chan, stall them!" Haruka yelled before she herself grabbed Ami and Rei's wrists and hauled them back into a run. Makoto followed hot on their heels a second later, leaving Minako to give the soldiers a worried smile as her friends abandoned her. "Heh heh," she said, trying to think fast before she realised what she was supposed to do. "Venus Honey FLASH!" she cried, thrusting her arms out towards the two men, and with a surge of desperate inspiration a flash of bright white light burst from her fingertips. The soldiers staggered, clutching at their eyes - as did half the crowd around them - blinded by the intense flare. Although she had shut her eyes even Minako saw the world in a murky silhouette for a short while as she ran after her friends. Eventually the five fleeing girls stopped just outside the small city, having vaulted the simple fences that surrounded it and made their way up the hill behind the library. Ami and Rei were both a little out of breath, and when Minako joined them she fell flat onto the grass, frowning petulantly up at them all. "Next time you want to do something like that, tell me first!" Below them the ruckus continued as people ran to get out of the way. They could just hear as one of the soldiers called out, and was answered by another call near the north west entrance post. "Oh hell," Makoto cursed. "They've got friends." Haruka let out a heavy breath and quickly took charge. "Ami-chan, Rei-san, you two stay back by the tree," she said, pointing to the old willow a little further up. "Minako-chan, you cover them." "How?!" Minako exclaimed. "We aren't Senshi any more, remember? And even if I could fight them, I don't have my swords and I'm already exhausted after running all that way!" "I thought you were into sports?" Makoto said, with a dry smile. "I guess volleyball didn't do enough for your legs after all!" "What was that Venus Honey Flash?" Minako replied, annoyed. "Those aren't that easy you know." "You named your spells already?" Rei asked, a little amused despite their predicament. "Just keep them busy," Haruka said, "Mako-chan and I will take them on from the front." "But you're not armed either," Minako replied. Makoto smiled and made a fist, showing off her subtle but well toned bicep. "Don't worry, this amazon girl is good for something. I'll just think of them as bullies with really big flick-knives! Plus we've got our magic." "So have I," Ami said from behind them, putting her bag down. "If you two could stay back with us at first, I'll try something too, then you can go in." Haruka nodded, pleasantly surprised that the shy blue haired girl had something up her sleeve. "You've got it. Rei-san, if you or your pet demon have any tricks, feel free to help out." Rei cringed as Desir shouted something inside her head. "Haruka- san, please, demonette not demon." "Sorry," she said with an apologetic smile. "Okay girls, get ready, because I don't think they'll worry about taking prisoners. This is going to be rough." "You know, we could just run," Minako said, worried for her friends and for the people that, as Senshi, she was supposed to lead. "Run where?" Makoto asked. "It's open country, and we'd have to go back for our stuff anyway. At least if we make a stand we have time to pack and make a proper escape once it's over." Minako sighed as she watched six small figures climb over the fence and start up the hill towards them. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt," she said. "We may have magic, but we can't just take a hit and keep going like we could back home against all those monsters." Makoto nodded, realising exactly what Minako meant. "Then we'll just have to try not to get hit." By the old tree Ami was already preparing herself as the two soldiers in front made their way up the hill, followed by their backup. She knelt down by her bag and closed her eyes, and a tense expression crossed her face as she dredged up memories she had long since buried. Her parents' divorce, the constant name calling at school, forever being picked upon instead of congratulated when she was good at something. In a flash she looked up to the approaching men and her eyes, usually so wise and calm, were filled with a savage fury. Then, feeling the unnatural hum powering through her nerves, she let that fury loose. The first soldier never knew what hit him as the telekinetic impact smashed him off his feet and right into his companion, the pair of them tumbling to the ground like rag dolls hit by a battering ram. "...wow," Makoto said under her breath before looking back to her best friend, while the others looked on, gob smacked. Ami had not lowered her guard though and when the second soldier stirred she reached into her bag. Makoto watched as Ami brought out a little wind up device and a large metal egg, put the two together, and pulled back a little hook on the device. With a whirr of clockwork the contraption flew into life and, as whirling flint struck steel, the box let out a stream of sparks just long enough to set fire to the twist of paper that sprouted from the top of the egg. "Ami-chan, is that what I think it..." Ami didn't respond, still lost in her own memories, and she tossed the egg into the air before letting out another powerful smack, sending it flying. It bounced just past the staggering soldier before the fuse burned its way down into the metal oval. The explosion was not a huge one, but in a burst of fire and smoke it knocked the man back onto the grass and into unconsciousness, leaving just the smell of fireworks and singed armour. The others all looked stunned as they watched the smoke float away in the breeze. "Ami-chan!" Rei said, deeply worried. Her first stay at the library had given her many insights into the world they now lived in, both good and bad. "You've been making explosives? Using gunpowder as a weapon has been outlawed for over a century here. It's... dishonourable, even criminals won't use it!" Kneeling by the tree Ami just sighed as she pressed down her memories once again, her eyes a little moist. "Maybe," Ami replied, "but we need every advantage we can get. I don't have any other way to fight." "Girls," Haruka put in, spotting the other four soldiers fast approaching through the clearing smoke, "less talk, more fighting!" She dashed forward and the first soldier only just had time to draw his sword before Haruka shot out her right fist, jabbing the man's nose hard and making him see stars. As Makoto and Minako joined the fight Haruka followed up, taking advantage of the opening she had created to land a powerful right hook just inside the man's samurai helmet, spinning him around and letting her turn the overextended punch into a spinning heel to the back of his legs. Steadying herself, she grabbed the man as he tried to get up, vaulting over his kneeling body as he swung at her legs with his sword. She grabbed the base of his helmet and tore it off his head before punching down as he turned to glare up at her. The second her skin met his, time slowed to a crawl and Haruka's consciousness reached down her arm. It flowed out into the soldier's body, swirling around his skull and seeping into the grey, sparking matter that controlled his every move. She was vaguely aware of her fist forcing the man's head back by millimetres, and the slow whistle as a stone passed by her own head, flying through treacle towards the man that advanced on her. Then she found something that would work as she scoured the man's brain, and she gave it a push, letting off a pulse of power inside his skull. However, she barely noticed the man that now groaned and twitched at her feet as she let go of the arcane power, and found herself back inside her own mind with a jolt. For all her talk, Haruka had never actually done anything while exploring another body before, and the short disorientation had become a racking nausea this time. Her vision swam as she tried to ready herself for the soldier she knew was advancing on her, and as she looked his way her head throbbed and her knees buckled. Off to her side Makoto was faring better as she bobbed past another sword swipe, the blade missing her by inches but allowing her another swift kick to the man's stomach, goading him on. She knew that anger could be a useful tool, but not in a real fight. The obvious swing he made was just what she was expecting and she grabbed the arm as it came for her, slid her body in towards his and pulled hard. The soldier flew over her shoulder, his sword burying itself in the ground before he hit the grass, staring in astonishment as Makoto grinned down at him. She raised her foot and planted it firmly in his face, and a small spark of electricity leapt from her heel just as it connected. She knew that it wouldn't put him out for long, but it would be just enough. Quickly scanning the shallow slope she saw Minako running rings around the last soldier, filling his vision with smoke, light and reflections. Haruka however needed help as she knelt before her assailant. He kicked her hard in the stomach and the boyish young woman vomited as her nausea overcame her. Makoto doubted she could charge him without taking the risk of getting skewered. She already had a couple of painful cuts from some close calls. Instead she reached out into the air and searched for the magical vibration that she knew so well. It was familiar and comforting as the slight breeze wrapped around her fingers, and the slow build of static around her made her smile even as she felt her energy being sapped. It took no more than a second for the vibrations to grow and focus in front of her hands, the null buffer of breeze before her fingers protecting her, ready for the inevitable release. "Supreme thunder," she said under her breath, and in an instant she let the power free from her focus. The whitely blue arc cracked from her fingers and out into the air before reaching around to the conductor it sought. The instant of electrical charge hit the soldier square and blew him off his feet, scorching their soles as it went to ground. Back by the tree Minako was tiring fast as she manifested her own inspiration to keep her own swordsman at bay. She didn't have to wait long for help though. Now that Haruka no longer needed help Rei's next rock, plucked from the base of the tree she hid behind, hit Minako's target instead. It was just enough of a distraction for Minako to land a well placed kick to the man's leather codpiece, and Makoto finished him off which a quick one-two, both palms letting off sparks as they struck his chin. Minako and Makoto made sure all the soldiers would be out cold long enough to let them make their escape back to the city and Rei and Ami were just about to head to Haruka's side. Then suddenly Ami let out a yelp as she felt a large hand on her arm, and a dagger appeared at her throat. "Don't move girls," the last soldier said as he appeared from where he had circled around behind the hill. "Leave your man, I think he'll live. You have a lot of gall, but try any tricks and I'll slit her throat. After this I would bet a month's wage that Comte Damyo would be glad to have trouble like you dealt with." He flashed Makoto a look. "Strike me with lightning, and you strike her too." Wiping her mouth and trying to swallow the terrible nausea Haruka looked up to see him. He couldn't have seen her use the 'Art' if he was behind the hill, so she probably still had that secret for now, and even those that did may only have seen it as a finishing punch with everything that was going on. The purplish wisps her power left in the air were easy to miss. Rei had kept Desir hidden as well, so that was another secret in their favour. Still, despite that, it didn't alter the fact that none of them could do anything without risking Ami's life. She doubted this soldier was bluffing with his allies littering the hillside. "Alright," she said with resignation, the others already having dropped their arms. "We surrender." *** At the base of the hill the crowd was already gathered and still growing. Nobody had heard an explosion such as that for many years. Nor had they seen anyone brave or foolish enough to stand up to a soldier in just as long - especially of that age, and with only one man among them. Women of such power and audacity were the thing of tales from the birth of Seiji itself, and already whispers of the Seraphi rippled through the throng, even as the defeated girls were taken away. The cloaked man who had first uttered that likeness under his breath was gone long before guards arrived to take the girls, but no- one noticed. Just like the brightly coloured leathers he wore beneath his coarse cloak, he came and went unseen, a seed of rumour planted thanks to the good fortune that the fight had happened at all. *** To Be Continued... *** Please send any comments and constructive criticism to: nutzoide@nutzoide.net They are always greatly appreciated, and there is no better reward for a writer than to hear back from the readers. Many thanks to Richard King for his proofreading assistance. (c) Nutzoide 2006 http://www.nutzoide.net