World Shaking: Chapter 4 Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of Sailor Moon or anything that comprises it. This is a non-profit story written solely for my own enjoyment and that of anyone who wishes to read it. The story and original characters are mine. Please don't use them without permission. *** World Shaking - A Sailor Moon Fan-Fiction by Nutzoide - Chapter 4: Monsters in the Grass! When Hiding is No Longer Enough. Makoto crept out into the hallway of Rei's home, intent on tracking down her errant girlfriend. It wasn't her shrine to be sneaking around in, of course, but Rei *had* left quite a while ago, and only to grab some sodas for them both. It had been a long day for Makoto, one that required her to juggle work all morning and lectures all afternoon, and she had been looking forward to a chance to unwind, knowing that she didn't have to return home tomorrow if she didn't want to. Not that she and Rei were sleeping together constantly. They weren't even 'just sleeping' together all that much, which was why Makoto had been looking forward to it. After their initial flurry of interest - on both sides - they had calmed down and were now getting back to the task of being *in love* instead of infatuated, frustrated lovers. There was a lot they still didn't talk about where their relationship was concerned - Things that maybe should have been talked about months ago. But they were still young, Makoto realised that all too clearly, and they were both finding out how to deal with this relationship as they went along. And tonight wouldn't be the night to talk. Rei had apparently forgotten that her grandfather had intended to have guests over, and only found out when Usagi's parents had shown up on the doorstep of the shrine after dinner. Makoto had never known that Grandpa Hino met with *all* the Senshi's parents so regularly. Not frequently, but regularly. Even Rei hadn't known until recently, but then she hadn't thought to tell Makoto even after she *had* found out. Yes, that whole 'communication' thing could do with a little work. And now, just as Makoto had feared, Rei had found herself caught by their friends' parents and drawn in. It was bad enough that Makoto did not really know how to relate to the other girls' parents, but for as much time as she spent there she was still technically a guest at the shrine. She couldn't just butt into their social event to steal her girlfriend back. And Minako and Usagi's parents still didn't know about the whole *girlfriend* thing either. Well, she supposed they *knew*, but going in there and announcing it? As friends she wouldn't have hesitated to drag Rei away, or join in, but now... She didn't want to make it obvious that she and Rei were 'together'. It wasn't like she would go and kiss her in front of them or anything, but still... it would be awkward. Not that she had much choice. The second that she looked into the main living room of the shrine Grandpa Hino spotted her, and of course he couldn't help but wave her inside as obviously as he could. "Ah, Makoto-chan! Come and share some tea! I'm sorry we have stolen Rei-chan from you, but my boys and girls haven't seen her for so long! I'm sure they have much to catch up on with you as well!" Nice, Gramps, Makoto thought, sighing in defeat and padding inside. Very subtle. The Tsukinos and Ainos she had met before, if briefly, and Mizuno Katsura had almost become an aunt to her in recent years. She had got the feeling that the Ainos didn't like her much the few time she had met them back in school - she was a rebel, and a bad influence on Minako - but she had never expected to see Setsuna sitting around the table with them. "S-Setsuna-san? You're here too?" Setsuna set down her cup and nodded, guileless and innocent. "Why would I not be? I do rather enjoy these meets. Come and sit down." And, to Makoto's horror, she shifted over so that Makoto could share the same corner that Rei sat at, next to her Grandfather. Okay, that's not a problem, Makoto repeated in her head. Of course I'd want to sit next to my friend. Who left me waiting in her room and put me in this position. Oh, Rei, we are going to have words. "We were just grilling Rei-chan on how her studies were going," Tsukino Genji said as Makoto was poured a cup of tea. "Usagi doesn't keep us informed in the way she used to, I'm afraid." Almost opposites of the Ainos, Makoto liked Usagi's family and they clearly liked her. They shared the same, crafty humour that Usagi had been 'blessed' with, to varying degrees, and yet were all as nice a group of people as you could hope to meet. Unless you were related to them, according to Usagi, but then she and her brother had always driven each other mad. Even so, if Katsura was the understanding, generous Aunt that Makoto had never had, then the Tsukinos were the parents that she might have liked to have, if anyone had ever adopted her after her parents had died. Of course, no one ever had, leading to its own share of difficulties, but Makoto liked to think that if Ikuko and Genji Tsukino had ever wanted to adopt, they might have picked her. Not that she wanted Usagi as a sister. She loved the girl like only the closest friend could, but that would have been a bit much. "So how *has* your girlfriend been doing, Makoto-chan? Is she telling us fibs?" Makoto almost spat out her tea in shock. Okay, a whole family of Tsukinos would be *way* too much. She hoped she hadn't turned as red as it felt, and found herself unable to look at anything but her cup as she tried to rationalise what Genji had just asked her. "Genji! Really, look what you've done to her!" Ikuko chided, smacking her husband's arm. "You shouldn't talk about such things! I-I mean, not like that at least!" Oh God, now was *that* ever awkward. Genji was as flippant about her relationship as he could be, and despite correcting herself his wife sounded like she didn't even want to consider the L word. It least not in public, in front of the lesbians in question. Not that either of them was lesbian, by the textbook definition. They had both dated boys, after all. They just... like each other better. Except it had always gone wrong with the boys, somehow. And always so quickly. She was startled out of her worrying introspection when she realised Genji was talking to her again. "I'm sorry, Makoto-chan. I suppose we weren't meant to know? I wasn't quite sure how you broach the subject these days." And to her surprise he did seem genuinely sorry. Well, he should be, after making her blush like that! She was surprised her hair hadn't caught fire! "Don't worry, Makoto-chan," Katsura reassured her from across the table. "It is not something that needs to be said." "And I wouldn't gossip about my own Haruka-chan and Michiru-chan if it were a problem," Setsuna said. "Right, Ikuko-san?" Setsuna was putting Ikuko on the spot on purpose, Makoto could tell, but evidently Usagi's mother was used to it by now. "Of course not, Setsuna-san. They are successful girls, and I am sure you will be, Makoto-chan. Rei-chan." What surprised Makoto was how casually they all spoke to one another with the obvious exception of the Ainos. What she remembered of Yokozuki and Kikon Aino was a willingness to speak their minds, especially from Minako's father. They avoided confrontations, but made their opinions knows by one means or another. Now however they said very little, only speaking when directly engaged in conversation by one of the others. Instead, they seemed cautious, and studious of the others around the table, even of herself and Rei. Had there been some sort of disagreement between them and the others perhaps? Normally they would have been very eager to emphasise their daughter's newfound success. When the subject came up they weren't quite *modest*, but it was a close thing. Weird. But that was none of her business. More important to her was the fact that, while the subject of her and Rei was not brought up again, Setsuna *did* let on how Haruka and Michiru were doing, especially with Michiru's work having received fair praise from the press. She left out everything to do with Ami, of course, and Katsura only mentioned the ambitious medical side of her daughter's living arrangements, but there was no awkwardness surrounding Haruka and Michiru's relationship. That was oddly comforting, even though she wasn't quite comfortable having Minako and Usagi's parents know that ... probably know... she was doing... those kinds of thing... with a girl. Because she wanted to. What would they say about her - and about *Rei* - when they *weren't* there? Eventually Rei patted her on the shoulder, and got to her feet. "Come on, Mako-chan. Maybe I've embarrassed you enough for the night." Yes, Rei had answered questions about how Makoto was doing these days, just as Makoto had haltingly answered them about Rei. They weren't treating Rei or her as 'my daughter's friends' any more. They had become 'that nice young woman we used to know as a child'. 'Who we consider a friend of our own now'. Yeah, that was *weird*. And as soon as they were out of earshot. "Rei! I can't believe you left me in your room!" "I couldn't help it!" Rei whispered back, just as weirded out. "They ambushed me! I couldn't just refuse! I'm supposed to play hostess here!" Makoto growled, which made Rei giggle a little - clearly less concerned about the whole thing than Makoto - but Makoto was eager to forget the whole embarrassing episode. Not that it had been all bad, but the embarrassing bits had been mortifying! "Mako? Seriously, you're not mad, are you?" Makoto realised she *had* been thinking about it again, and quickly stopped. Rei actually looked concerned. "Uh, what? Yes, I'm mad. But *maybe* I'll forgive you this time." She smirked for her girlfriend's benefit. The sooner forgiven, the sooner forgotten, after all. "Why don't you find that CD you were telling me about? I need to get some of this 'today' out of my head." *** Performing on stage six nights a week, non-stop for three months, sounded mad when Minako explained it to her parents or her friends. In truth she only worked about four or five hours a day, including makeup and costume before and after, so it was hardly a high-intensity job all day long. Except Minako *had* been tiring far more easily than she had expected. The work *was* demanding, even for less athletic roles than hers. She was tiring of the same lines and the same routine, even after only eight weeks. The applause from the crowd was a wonderful compensation - and she had to face it, the pay was good incentive too - but the glamour was now wearing off. It didn't help that, with the play running in the early evening, it left her out of the social loop. She would still go out with Usagi or Rei and Makoto at times, but for all their good intentions she would still be in bed during the mornings, and even Usagi had college to go too more often than not. It actually left her feeling a little lonely. Lonely and tired were never a happy combination for Minako. But at the same time she could now see what people meant when they said that a theatre was like a family. She now knew more about most of them than she *ever* needed to, and they all supported each other through the hard times or squabbled over petty differences like Usagi and Shingo used to do on an almost daily basis. Hikari was *so* particular about her cosmetics that she and Ichiro the make-up man now waged a war of silence whenever they had to share a room, and even though he was long married Yuuta now actually flirted with her Ono- sempai with knee-weakening skill! They had even thrown Minako a small surprise birthday party the week before! And Minako had lost count of how often Ono Marya had helped her out now. She had felt guilty at first, riding the limousine home in exhausted bliss after Marya had first invited her to dine together. It was a *very* nice limo! Now, though, she felt far less tense in the business magnate's presence. Marya had gone out of her way to be approachable to several of her players, and Minako felt fortunate that she had been the first to receive such preferential treatment. She was even allowed to call her 'Sempai'. Her inner schoolgirl felt faint at the idea, but it was not without reason. There was so much she could learn from her employer, both on and off the stage, so to refer to her as a respected senior should only be natural. Of course, really Minako just loved the idea of calling someone like Ono Marya her sempai. It was absurd, but so awesome! She just worried that she might start taking Marya's hospitable offers for granted, because some nights she *had* asked to have the limo deliver her home, just because she was so exhausted. At least she was not the only one showing the strain. Everyone showed signs of the same fatigue, and even Yuuta said in all his years of acting this seemed to be among the most demanding roles he had ever played, though he had no idea why. He joked that he must have been getting old at last. As they were clearing away that night, Minako once again found her Sempai congratulating them all, and slowly making her way to her side of the dressing tent. "Minako-san," Marya said, a small but genuine smile on her face. "Moving, as always." She looked around, noting that many of the others actors were already leaving. "I plan on having late supper with Kashimura-san on Saturday night, after our performance, and I wonder if you would care to accompany us." Minako's eyes widened. Marya was having dinner with Yuuta? Now *there* was a story! "Oh, I wouldn't want to intrude, Ono-sempai." "You would not be," Marya went on with humour in her voice. "I feel he might behave himself better if he was not left alone with me!" Minako giggled openly. She was just as bad as Yuuta! "Sure! I'd like that, Ono-sempai! I'll keep him in line!" And to Minako's surprise, Marya seemed genuinely moved that she had accepted. "Thank you, Minako-san." What was that all about? Ono Marya, looking humbled over something so trivial. Idly Minako wondered why Marya would always have food served at the park, rather than go out to eat when she hosted. But then, she supposed, if you could afford such good chefs... Family could be so strange sometimes, but that was no bad thing. *** Ami sat on her bed, her eyes wandering to the door of her en-suite bathroom from behind her spectacles. She was trying to read her project notes, but she had gone over them twice now and her remarkable attention span had finally given up, deciding that it had better things to do. Her Mercury computer likewise sat idle on the bed, waiting to be fed data on a subject who had been in the bathroom for an hour. Ami had been collecting data about Haruka's pregnancy using her Senshi computer since the university had green lighted her extra-credit project. Supposedly she was carrying out her research at the university labs, and a few privately owned institutions that didn't really exist, but in truth most of it happened in that room, using her own technology. She didn't like the deception, but it greatly reduced the amount of time she had to spend scanning and analysing her girlfriend under vastly inferior equipment. Ami and Haruka did still make appearances at the university campus, and Setsuna had 'acquired' the 'proof' from the independent, fictional research groups involved. There were lots of inverted commas involved, but performing those studies the conventional way might well have taken more time that their child was willing to stay put inside her mother. Not to mention the funding and purpose built equipment required. No, as long as no-one spent too much time digging the minor discrepancies in her story would never come to light. Small research bodies appeared and disappeared all the time, and Ami spent more than enough time on campus, and had been seen there with Haruka often enough to validate that side of the paper trail as well. Until recently. Over the last few weeks Haruka had become more withdrawn and taciturn, and Ami had been willing to postpone her studies because of that. It was understandable enough. Haruka was a woman who liked to be in control of herself, and so the constant battering she was receiving from her hormones had been even more unwelcome than for some. She had traded in her grumbling and her morning sickness for annoyed reticence and overly tender breasts now, but few besides Haruka herself could have claimed it was an improvement for her. Nothing had been done about the letter from Haruka's adopted sister, and Ami suspected that was when her brooding had begun. It did not seem too serious, no more so than her short-tempered streak had been, but Ami was now certain it stemmed from more than just discomfort and simple mood swings. The room had been quiet for some time now, so Ami left her notes and glasses on the bed to stand by the door. "Haruka? Are you alright?" "... I'm... fine." She didn't sound fine, but then she hadn't done for the last week. But Ami could not put off her work any more than she already had done. "It'll only take a few minutes. Then we can talk, okay?" Talk about what, she didn't know. She just hoped that her lover was only worried about going under the scanner again, though why that might be was another mystery. Nothing had seemed wrong in any of her past tests or scans. Did Haruka know something that she didn't? "Haruka?" Perhaps Haruka heard the faint tremor of worry that had crept into Ami's voice, or was just determined that she could not hide in there forever. Either way, she finally opened the door, completely naked. It was rare for Ami to see Haruka naked unless they were feeling exceptionally amorous, and she blushed out of reflex, but despite her reaction she was more confused than anything else. Early on Haruka had insisted that she remained clothed during the examinations, or as clothed as possible, even though Ami had never implied anything to the contrary. It had seemed odd, but Ami knew that her appearance meant a lot to Haruka. Whether in a suit or a bikini it didn't matter, as long as it was how she had *chosen* to look. Michiru had once told Ami that Haruka was more conscious about her self image than she let on, and perhaps that was why, but casual nudity or even just being caught unawares while dressing or in her underwear put her on edge. Haruka despised the tradition of the Japanese public bath. And she did not look happy now, either. Ami forced back her blush as concern took over from confusion, and she took Haruka's hands in her own. "Haruka? What's wrong?" Haruka failed to meet her gaze, but the annoyed frustration she had seen so often that week flared in her eyes. "You can't tell?" It was a painful accusation, but Ami shook her head. She *couldn't* tell, and it upset her that she had missed something so obviously important to the woman she loved. Until she *did* see it, for the first time, and realised why Haruka was naked. Ami could almost feel herself beginning to glow in ecstasy. "Oh my God," she gasped. She let her had fall to Haruka's abdomen, to rest on the small rise that sat below her lover's navel. A bump, almost the diameter of a grapefruit, sitting at the base of Haruka's otherwise still trim stomach, where their child lay. "You... you were *hiding* it?" Ami looked up into Haruka's now watering eyes, and the young woman's voice hitched. "It..." Ami didn't know whether Haruka was going to cry out of happiness or terror, so she tried to choose for the both of them. "It's our baby!" she whispered. Ami could barely believe it herself. The rise of skin beneath her fingers, and the wall of Haruka's womb, was all that separated her from *her* child! "Our baby, Haruka." And to her distress, Haruka began to sob. "I'm sorry! I... I knew it would matter to you, but..." "Shh, it's okay. Why are you apologising? We're going to have a baby!" It had still seemed strange and surreal, but there was all the proof Ami would ever need. But Haruka clearly didn't see it that way. She looked almost hysterical. "And I can't do anything about it! Y-you couldn't even see it a week ago! I don't... I don't want people t-to see that!" That admission shocked Ami more than she could hide, and as soon as her wide eyes betrayed her Haruka's expression crumpled again. "No! Ami, I didn't mean it. Please, I didn't!" She gripped Ami's hands as tightly as she could, but rest of her sagged in the doorway and collapsed as if all the energy had been drained out of her. She just sat propped up against the door frame, hiding her stomach behind her crossed legs and sobbing incoherently. And Ami didn't know what to do. Of all the things she thought Haruka might have had trouble with during her pregnancy, this had not been one of them. Unable to hide her 'condition', was she now afraid to have a child after all? Even after Makoto had been so confrontational on her behalf over such things, did Haruka herself see it as an affliction? Or was she just scared that her body was no longer solely her own? Ami dearly hoped that it was the latter, and nothing more. After that moment of hesitation Ami knelt down next to her, and pulled Haruka's hands into her lap. "You don't want them to see the bump? You're worried they can tell?" "I'm not ready," Haruka cried. "It's just... sitting there. On me. That's not right! It's not supposed to look like that!" "Haruka," Ami chastised as gently as she could, "you must have seen women who are only just showing, like you. The baby starts off small, you know. It's only six centimetres long, right here." She laid a finger on the small rise in Haruka's abdomen. "It wouldn't show as prominently if you had been putting on weight like your doctor and I have been telling you. Your tummy is too trim." A brief laugh burst through Haruka's sobs. "Ha, I guess that's what I get for focusing on track at school." "Yes. And not eating more at dinner. Now, we can find you some baggier clothes if you want. You're too used to showing off that you're in good shape, even in men's shirts." "It doesn't matter any more," Haruka lamented, fresh tears coming to her eyes. "That *bloody* reporter." Ami frowned. "He's been harassing you?" Haruka would not nod to admit it, but the venom that suddenly flooded her face was more than enough. "Last month, at the show, he was going on about how they should be able to see it soon. I hadn't seen him since, and I didn't even see he was there until after he caught me." "What? When?" Haruka sighed and shifted away, suddenly self-conscious again. "... It doesn't matter. It'll be in his f-fucking magazine soon enough anyway." And, in contrast to what she had said before, she pulled her hand away and wrapped them around her stomach. "It's supposed to be mine." She must have realised how contradictory that sounded, and shook her head. "God, I... I don't know what I want. What the hell kind of mother am I?" "One who cares too much what other people think." Ami shifted closer to her again, closing the gap that Haruka had opened. "And one who will be *wonderful* at it." "I'm sorry, Ami. I just... keep freaking out. It just looks so weird, stinging out there. And the press... what are they going to say? I'm still Tenou Haruka, damn it!" Ami looked at her levelly. "Then prove it to them. It's okay to be scared as long as they don't see it, right? That's what you tell Hotaru-chan and me. You don't have to let them see that you're pregnant if you don't want to," at least for now, she didn't say, "but you don't have anything to apologise for. You're a woman and you're going to have our child, that's *normal*!" Then she blinked at her own oversight, and had to clear her throat. "Well, having a child is normal. My part is not quite as normal in this case." But Haruka still seemed to need to reassure her. "Ami, it's not that I don't want it. I... I do! You don't know how much I do. I'm just a mess at the moment. I was scared, and then I thought you'd... be disappointed." "Why?" "Because I... I didn't show you. Because I was scared." And it *was* a little disappointing. Just a little. But then, "*You're* the one having the baby, Haruka. And you're the one who has to put up with all the press, and the public, and with Michiru-chan and I, and all the changes going on inside you. That's a lot to have to handle, isn't it?" Haruka seemed to appreciate the words, and shrugged. "Maybe. But I thought I'd be able to handle it better. I don't fall apart like this!" "It doesn't matter if you do, as long as you let me help you through it. And Michiru-chan might want to help too, you know. She loves you dearly." "Michiru-chan, eh?" Ami nodded, smiling. "Yes. I think I'm getting to know her better, and she's not so different from us. She has her own... cute foibles. Like Usagi-chan and Mako-chan." She got to her feet, and then pulled to get Haruka up. "I think we should show her, don't you?" Haruka looked down, suddenly wary. "Yeah. But-" Ami cut her off. "But?" Haruka paused, as if she was going to say something, but changed her mind. "Can I put a robe on first? And my knickers." "Of course. Then we can run my tests, yes?" Haruka gave her a 'you study too much' look, which Ami was sure she had learned from Usagi. But at least she seemed amused enough with it. "Yes, Mizuno-sensei." *** It had been a while since Petz had been out, and she had forgotten how the moonlight flattered her. She was not the most vain of her sisters by any stretch of the imagination, but she couldn't help sneaking a narcissistic glace into the windows of the other cars in The Moonlight Garden's car park. It was rare that she indulged in such conceit now that she was human - Calveras was much more of a peacock than she - but she was dimly aware that it helped bolster her lacking personal self-confidence. What did she need to care what others thought when she was as beautiful as she knew herself to be? Not that she did not try to change. She wanted to be liked by others, and wanted to be loved for who she was, now more so than ever. With the arrival of Aretsuki into their lives she had realised that she wanted a family of her own, and children to care for. Now if only she could break her old habits, and older fears, and trust herself with a man. Until recently she had worried that her sisters had been right. That she had been too afraid to embrace a human life, and too incompetent to change. Now, with the disguised youma living and working alongside her, she knew that she and her sisters had been wrong. Petz had come a very long way from the worried, cautious and uncomfortable start that those youma were working through. Tyranya was an uncomfortable reflection of Petz herself. A strong willed, capable creature, convinced in her evil cause until the bitter end. Tyranya had led her sisters into a futile battle, losing one in the process, and had been forced to surrender for the sake of her remaining sisters' lives. Petz had *fought* her reformed siblings, and stabbed Calveras in the back in order to punish all of her 'traitorous' sisters together. Tyranya might not have been related to any of her sisters by blood, but the principle remained the same. Sailor Moon had broken them, accepted them and forgiven them for all their faults, and as the heads of their families it was left to Petz and Tyranya to shoulder the unwanted burden of responsibility and shame for their actions. But unlike Petz, Tyranya did not continue to try and wear the facade of seniority. Her disguise was simple and unassuming; a human who looked like any other. Well manicured, unpainted nails were her only concession to a kempt appearance - and her thick locks of silver hair, looking platinum blonde in human guise, remained as untidy as her un- ironed red shirt and khaki-green slacks. Petz had tried to convince her that there was more to life now than worry and regret, but Tyranya was as stubborn now as Petz had been then. They were fools, the pair of them. Like Koan, Berthier and Calveras had done, Tyranya's sisters were coping better with their new lives. Aretsuki remained cheerful and upbeat in her youth, disguised as a foreign student, forever on one holiday or another. It also meant that her skills at disguise did not need to be up to the standards of her sisters, and she could afford some inconsistency if she were to pass herself off as many different children. And with her and Tyranya, Maxill had also moved into the cosmetics store. Like Koan, the first to be reformed also seemed to be the first to make the most of their newfound humanity. Looking like an Afro- Japanese Maxill bore a striking similarity to her youma form. Her head was shaved, her eyebrows plucked, and on a dark night she could have been mistaken for the featureless, raven-skinned youma who had been captured by Sailors Venus and Jupiter several months before. But even the other youma seemed surprised how well Maxill had integrated into human society. She had taken up sports in her time outside the shop, spent far too much time with her inane human friends playing softball or shopping, and she had been the first of the youma to suggest dating a human, though apparently her choice of disguise did not make that as easy as it was for Berthier or Calveras. She was happy, and Petz was glad for that. She also wore a lot of yellow and pink, which Petz was not glad about in the least! The woman had *no* fashion sense *at all*. Green was and would *always* be the new black. Shivis and Kaizi stood somewhere in between. Both lived outside the shop, and despite their own misgivings had integrated themselves into human society. Or back into human society, in Kaizi's case. She had enjoyed her past role as trainer at the gymnasium, and she had taken on another face in order to do so again. Not at the same gym, that would have been tempting providence, but at an executive sports complex in central Tokyo, catering to those who still found the time to keep in shape despite their busy schedules. She still looked the part of the bodybuilder, but had made more of an effort to blend in and look like a native. As such she looked much shorter as a human, now 'merely' very tall for a Japanese, and had made sure to cultivate a charismatic face to offset her unusual physique. Shivis had followed a similar route. She remained slender, but her disguise was one of unassuming mousiness. Her orange plumage was hidden as hair of the same bold shade, but she wore a pair of fake glasses to help give her an academic look. She had revealed her cunning streak in slipping into the Tokyo medical staff as a phlebotomist, attending blood drives to siphon off minute amounts of energy as she drained her donors of their blood. It was only a trickle, and never missed after in the light headedness of a blood donation, but it helped keep the youma fed. They all still had to eat, after all. Human food could only do so much for them, and at least Shivis was willing to share the fruits of her labour. Tyranya had not yet been brave enough to try and feed herself, and neither Kaizi and Maxill had yet tried to do more than drink a little then and there from their customers. One casual touch, a quick overlap of hands or an adjustment of someone's posture, was all it took. Petz and Koan had at least been helping Aretsuki get use to the idea of feeding at the shop. One simple bump in the doorway and the girl could quietly take enough energy to last her for days, leaving no-one the wiser. At least they didn't need to *bite* their 'victims', as Tyranya still called them, in order to drain what they needed. Or worse yet, handle their heart crystals directly! That would have been difficult to explain away. As much as they might *want* to gorge on energy, to suck out even a third of a human life, they didn't need to. No human needs to eat prime steak every day either, when rice and pickled vegetables will suffice. Draining people dry? That was energy gathering on a vast scale. The kind used to hatch and mature scores of youma faster for a new invasion. Or breach the walls between dimensions. Or to bypass the Gates of Time entirely and achieve forbidden time travel. Petz smiled at her own morbidity and shook her head. If there was ever a time for regrets, this certainly was not it. Tonight, for the first time, all nine of them were out - together - and *enjoying* themselves. Even Tyranya had a smile on her face. Not a smile of acceptance or thanks, or one to mask her bouts of melancholy, but one of soft, genuine contentment. And the park? Well, it might have been made just for them. It was busy, but there were no oppressive crowds to channel them this way or that, and they could wander as they so pleased. Koan and Berthier chose to stay behind early on and watch Minako's play, and naturally Aretsuki wanted to join them, and convinced most of her sisters to join them. There would be other opportunities to see it, Petz was sure, but the draw to see one of their friends on stage was strong. In fact it was almost the entire reason Koan had come, and after closing their shop they had little time to get to the park and wander before the curtain rose. Petz wanted to see the park though, and especially while the play had tied up many of the park's attendees. She was not one for crowds at the best of times, they tended to bring out the worst in her, and so she chose to explore during that quieter moment. It seemed more intimate to enjoy a garden if it did not belong to the thronging crowd. And to her surprise Calveras chose to join her. The two of them had always been rivals, more so than with their other sisters at least. Calveras still insisted on teasing and belittling her even to this day, usually in flagrant denial of her own faults. There were those few times, however, when Calveras was willing to step back and be a decent human being. Petz had never expected this to be one of those times though. "Why didn't you stay to watch the show?" Petz finally asked as the pair of them entered the ornamental areas. "You and Minako-san always have so much in common." Calveras threw back her head and laughed. "Oh, please, I have nothing in common with that child. I am far more sophisticated, *far* better with the men..." "And *far* less successful." Petz couldn't help herself. Old habits died hard, and habits as well ingrained as theirs tended to put Petz and Calveras in *their* places instead. "Yes, well, we can't all be superstars," Calveras admitted. It was a quiet, resigned admission, but it still came through gritted teeth. None of them liked to admit their failings, and Calveras was a master of diverting attention away from hers. "I am jealous as well," Petz admitted, now that her sister was so much less likely to turn it into a barb. "Not of Minako-san, of course." "Of Usagi-chan, maybe? Or perhaps Michiru-san? Maybe there is something you'd like to tell me, Petz?" That was a faster recovery than had been expected, and she gave her younger sister a brief glare. "I do imagine what I might have been able to accomplish with Usagi-chan's skill, and power. A little clumsiness is a small price to pay for the loyalty she inspires. Magic powerful enough to back up her resolve is no small matter either, given her capacity for it." "That is so very like you, Petz. Both romantic and practical, and always to excess in both cases." Calveras stretched, and gave a yawn. "This place is relaxing, I must admit. I am ready to curl up under a tree and nap!" Petz had to admit that the park was having a similar effect on her. They were interrupted by a young couple passing on the path, both wearing black, who stopped to stare in a way that suddenly made Petz feel very self conscious. "Hey, what are you looking at?" Calveras said, suddenly defensive. "Is my mascara smudged?" "Naw, lady, those are some wicked tattoos," the young man said with a heavy accent. "Are they, like, permanent? Kinda risky, eh?" "Yeah, really cool," his girl agreed. "Uh, the Moon Witches, right? From, what, five-six years ago? You get arrested for 'em or anything?" "Yah, I heard some of those sketchy cosplayer weirdos got booked for that kinda stuff after Tokyo got whipped by that gold chick. But just that?" The black clad young man pointed to his own forehead. "I guess that's cool enough to let go, huh?" Petz and Calveras turned to look at each other. There, in the middle of their foreheads, were their Black Moon Clan sigils - an upside down crescent moon, its points aimed towards the ground, coloured pure black. The one Sailor Moon had cleansed them of when they had accepted her chance to embrace a human life. "Yes," Petz lied, knowing she was going pale. "These are... nothing. Just a little statement. About life." "Yah, awesome. Gotta make a statement, or what's the point, yah? Stay cool, ladies. Later." Petz and Calveras turned back to stare at each other as the black- clad pair left. "Sister, your crest is showing." "S-so is yours, big sister. What... What's going on? We're human now, aren't we?" Then, back down the path towards the entrance, they heard the screaming start. *** The play had been going well, Minako thought. Right up until the second half when four youma erupted from the audience, sending people running in every direction. She and her co-stars stared in shock before they too bolted. She couldn't have thought of a better show stopper herself. The problem was that she knew these youma very well, and they couldn't have come here just to make a fuss! Could they? If they had Minako was going to be *really* pissed at them! But while people fled Minako took in the scene, and if anything the youma looked just as worried as the humans around them, if not more so. They did not leap to attack, or snag frightened people that fled past. Tyranya's own scream might have inspired terror, but there was nothing behind it but panic! So why the hell had they dropped their disguises? Minako didn't have time to worry about that though. After the whole student disappearance thing the last thing the park needed was more headlines scaring people away. And not only did Minako know it, but from the other side of the stage Marya clearly did as well. She must have had a will of iron not to have fled with everyone else, but she stared in disbelief at what was happening in front of her. Had she noticed the 'monsters'' odd behaviour as well? Whatever the case, Minako had to help. Koan and Berthier were trying to talk to the now openly identifiable youma, and that would only make it look stranger to anyone actually watching. Or taping it. She ran into the backstage tent and grabbed her handbag, ignoring the shouts from her stage family when she vanished again. She had her communicator and her transformation pen, and those were what mattered most right now. *** Her companions arrived one by one over the following twenty minutes, but Venus had the situation under control before even the first of them made it to the park. The other two Black Moon sisters had arrived just as Sailor Venus leapt into action. It was risky having those women around when she had a plan both to get the youma out of their mess *and* hopefully save the park some face. She barrelled into Tyranya, obviously the least lucid of the four youma right now, and pinned her to the ground. "Easy," she said, just loud enough for the other three to hear her. "Pretend to struggle. Now what the hell are you doing?!" "I don't know!" Tyranya gasped, the wind knocked out of her, and still on the edge of panic. "This isn't our fault! Please, Sailor Venus, you *must* believe me!" "It's true," Shivis said, having immediately understood what Venus had in mind and making a feeble show of trying to pull her off Tyranya. "I did not even realise it, but our disguises were taking more and more effort to maintain. I just could not conceal myself any longer." Venus nodded and leap away to apparent 'safety'. She turned to Koan and Berthier as they called their arriving sisters over. "Ladies, you should run! We will take care of this!" All four of the Black Moon sisters watched in shock as she pressed her fingers together and shot out a shaft of energy at Maxill, with a cry of "Crescent Beam!" The shot went wide, but then Maxill had dodged away from an attack that had never been meant to hit her. "How is this going to get us out of here?" Maxill hissed, trying not to let the onlookers around the edge of the picnic ground hear. The blast had made the crowd even more cautious though, and after that few were brave enough to remain watching even from a distance. Getting caught in the crossfire of a Sailor Senshi battle proved more and more dangerous any time the results were shown on the evening news or Senshi Special documentaries. "Easy," Venus replied, hooking a Love-Me Chain around her so they could keep up the pretence while still able to talk. "If any of them have a video camera, or even a phone, they're going to recognise you from last time if they haven't already. We need to make them think you are just more of the same kind of youma, and 'kill' you while no-one is looking. Uh, where's Kaizi-san? Is she here too?" Maxill nodded as she pretended to struggle against the chain. It actually hurt, but what could she do? "She said she'd see you afterwards. She, uh, isn't big on plays and things." "I'll have to teach her sometime then." Venus looked around to see the Black Moon sisters still looking on pensively, and trying to cover the new markings on their foreheads. Okay, if they weren't going to play along, Sailor Venus was going to make use of them. "Kick me away," she whispered to Maxill, and the black, malleable youma did as she was told. Minako let her chain fade away and staggered back, before leaping over to the four cosmetics addicts. "Hey, run already. You're supposed to be bystanders, not youma sympathisers!" "But what about us?" Calveras asked anxiously. "I mean, our family mark has come back!" "No idea," Venus replied, "but we'll worry about that later. Go and find Kaizi and get her to run. And tell her to stay out of sight if she can't disguise herself either. We'll meet, uh," she stumbled over her thoughts, trying to come up with a meeting place where they wouldn't be seen, "on top of Tokyo Tower! No, wait, that's stupid. Your shop. I'll get the youma there somehow." They all nodded and the four sisters ran off to find Kaizi, all trying to hide their marks with their hair or makeup from their compacts. That left Sailor Venus with four youma pretending to stalk up to her, and needing to get out of the park and away from the onlookers as soon as possible. Oh, how easy would it be to steal the show before the others arrive, she thought. But that would be too easy. This needed to look real. She let off another Crescent beam, just as Sailor Mars arrived looking very confused. Okay, two of us fighting them off would be believable, Venus though with a smile. Let's get this show started. Of course, she still had to tell them what to do without giving the game away to the onlookers, a speechless Ono Marya included. Not so easy. *** Despite the difficulty she did manage to succeed, with great style Minako thought, and the Sailor Senshi's fight with these 'new' youma would surely make the news the next day. It was very late when those who had been able to make it to the fight finally snuck back into the centre of Tokyo in civilian guise. For the Senshi and the Black Moon sisters it had been easy, but smuggling five not inconspicuous youma back into the sisters' van at the park entrance had been more of a trial than the mock fight that had preceded it. Getting them into the shop at the other end had been child's play in comparison. Of the Senshi, only four others had been able to make it to the park, so it was Usagi, Rei, Ami, Hotaru and Minako who accepted Koan's hospitality in her shared flat above the shop. Petz, Calveras and Berthier were in the flat above that, helping to console the youma. Usagi had done all she could on the journey back, but even now there was an air of anger and dejection among the newcomers. "Makoto must have been caught up at school," Rei said as she accepted the cup of tea that Koan offered. "They've been pretty hard on getting her to make up her grade this time, while she can." "It's alright, Rei-san." Koan sat down with her own cup, her usual enthusiasm subdued by the night's turn of events. "It's, ah, flattering that so many of you came to our rescue." Usagi beamed at her. "Why? We do it for everyone else. Why not our friends?" Koan blushed, and shared in Usagi's smile. "Friends. Yes, I would have liked to think that you might run to us if we ever needed you again. Now I know for certain. I'm only sorry that it was us causing you more problems." "Rubbish," Minako replied, her eyes far harder than Usagi's. "It's someone *else* that did this to you. They're the ones making work for us." Ami asked the question that had been on everyone's mind for the last hour. "But who?" No one had an answer to that. Instead Usagi's phone chimed to break the worried silence. "Ah, that's Mamo-chan and Luna. Can we let them in?" Koan nodded and set her cup aside, before leading Usagi back downstairs. It gave Hotaru the chance to voice a worry that she had dared not around anyone but her fellow soldiers. "Is it someone at the park?" All eyes turned to Minako, who returned their gazes with defiance. "What? No, it can't be. I'm sure it's a coincidence." "Minako-chan," Rei urged, "is there *anyone* there who might be suspicious. It would only take one person..." "No! I... I don't know! I haven't met *everyone* who's ever worked there, okay? But I can't imagine anyone I *do* know being a youma in disguise. I mean, besides the ones we know." "Not that it'll stop you investigating, will it Mina?" Minako looked around in surprise to see Artemis and Luna in the doorway, being followed by Usagi, Mamoru and Koan. And Artemis had got it in one. He knew her far too well, even after everything that she had experienced in Seiji. "That's your, 'I'm going to get to the bottom of this even if it kills me, and I won't tell anyone so they don't worry' voice," he added. "Minako-chan incongruity number 24." Minako frowned at him. "You're numbering me now?" She was met by a smirk from her pet/advisor. "But yeah. We'll find out what happened. I promise. Even if I have to stake out my own job." And to Minako's surprise, Luna actually looked... proud of her? "Just remember, you have a lot of friends backing you up," Luna said, sitting down beside Usagi and Mamoru as Usagi filled her fiance in on the situation. Minako nodded, suitably lectured for the moment, so Luna turned to the others. "But I guess from all the blue faces that we don't really know anything yet?" The Senshi's heads all shook in turn. "Not yet," Ami replied for them. "I even did a quick scan of the area, but I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. Either is it well hidden enough not to show anything on my computer, or the source of the energy drain had already left when I got there." "But it *was* an energy drain?" Mamoru asked. "Were there any humans who needed help?" "No," Ami replied. "That is the strangest part. Their energy levels were no lower than you would expect after a long day's work, at last. If they *had* been drained, it was not any notable amount that was taken." Mamoru thought on that. "How much do our youma take when they feed?" Ami hesitated. "Again, not much, but enough to show a trace of the process when I monitor it, or scan them shortly afterwards." "But the principle is the same, I think," came another new voice from the doorway. Shivis. Beside her stood Maxill, Tyranya and Petz. "The drain was minute," she said, stroking at the plumage on her arm in discomfort. "I couldn't tell it was happening, but it was a sustained effect. And it must have been targeted on us youma, or if not us then over the entire park, since Kaizi also lost her disguise even though she was not at the play." "And we lost our 'humanity'," Petz said darkly. She held up her hand and to everyone's surprise, with little more than a twitch of her fingers, a crackle of black lightning reached out between her fingertips. "How exactly did you 'make us human', Sailor Moon?" Usagi stared in shock. She had no idea *what* so say. "I... I don't know. It just... works. It healed everyone who got turned into youma, even back when we were fighting the Dark Kingdom." "But it couldn't 'heal' us," Maxill said, simply making the observation. "You said so yourself. We have always been youma." "But they *are* human," Usagi replied, at a loss to explain it herself. "You were, weren't you? Before you came back in time?" "Yes," Petz answered. "That was why we took on our powers. It was for vanity, and for strength." "Then perhaps whatever process gave you your power changed you in a more fundamental way than a youma transforming a person." Ami opened up her little super computer again, and began to brows what information she had on the subject, in case anything caught her eye. "It takes months for a person to 'mature' into a full youma, correct?" "Yes," Tyranya said. "A new child can take anything from seven months to two years to mature again, mentally. They... slowly lose their garish physical connections to their human life's psyche during that time." Petz frowned at herself, and lowered her head. "We had been baptized under Wiseman for longer than that. Much longer." "When you tried to change them back," Shivis said, again hesitantly, but obviously wanting to help, "I think your silver crystal did all that it could to do so," she told Usagi. "But perhaps it could not change them fully, and so used its positive energy to suppress Petz' and Koan's power, and has kept them suppressed until now. They would have essentially become human again, but in fact had a strong thread of energy as a container of sorts for their supernatural natures." Ami cottoned on to what Shivis had in mind. "And if what happened tonight was stealing life energy specifically, especially a certain spectrum of energy, it might have drained only from that most concentrated source - the energy keeping your powers contained." Shivis nodded. "Our magical disguises also act as an energy 'barrier' of sorts. Energy focuses outside our bodies, to create the magical disguise. That would be the first energy to be stripped away by anything trying to drain us. At least without physical contact." "But to drain energy *without* contact..." Tyranya stumbled over her words. "That requires technology, and a lot of energy to even begin the process in the first place. I can't imagine that any other youma managed to escape from the Dark Kingdom now, but if they have... And if it is the Tyrants that have managed it..." "Don't worry," Mamoru said in reassurance. "Whatever the case, we'll make sure this stops. And soon." "It is what our girls are trained for," Luna added, confident in her charges. That was not Usagi's highest priority now though. She got to her feet, her face strong, but with regret echoing in her eyes. "I'm sorry if I misled you," she said, looking to Koan and Petz. "I can change you back again. You're still my friends, no matter how human you are." Koan smiled at her, genuinely grateful, "Thank you, Usagi-chan." But Petz shook her head, and shocked Koan by placing her hand on her sister's shoulder. "No. Maybe it's better this way. We're not human any more, and maybe we haven't been since Wiseman took Rubeus... But if this is the way it is, I want to be human because it's what I *choose* to be. Not because it's all I have left. " She looked up to Usagi. "Please, let us think first. If you can trust us with this power." She held out her hand and let her black lightning crackle across her palm again. "If I was ever really human then I shouldn't need magic to pretend to be one now. And if not..." she gave Usagi a scared smile, "then I hope you will be strong enough to end my charade properly." Usagi was horrified at what Petz was asking. "I won't kill you!" she exclaimed, but Petz shook her head. "I hope you don't have to, but I've wondered for these last six years; Am I really a better person than when I first tried to end your lives? I would like the chance to prove to myself that I am." And maybe, she thought as she waited nervously for Usagi's answer, maybe I can be more help to everyone like this. Usagi looked pensive for a moment, but she didn't look away before her expression softened and she smiled. "Of course," she said, with complete honesty. "You are. You'd changed when you first asked to be human again. I trust you." *** "Do you really have to stare?" Haruka asked, sitting up against the padded headboard of their bed. Michiru lay in her lap, playing with Haruka's fingers, but though she tried not to her idle, wandering gaze kept drifting to Haruka's stomach and at last she had been caught. Michiru knew better, but she couldn't help herself. "I'm sorry," she whispered, bringing Haruka's hand to her lips and placing a kiss on her knuckles as an apology. "But you're just too tempting not to look at." Haruka had taken to wearing a shirt to bed in her futile attempts to conceal her showing bump, and now she had been found out Michiru pulled the garment away properly. "You are such a lovely fool." Haruka grew a small, wry smile. "I know. And stop undressing me." Haruka's smile was mirrored by the impish quirk that appeared on Michiru's lips. "A shirt and boxer shorts doesn't count a 'dressed'. Not even for you." She sighed, and reached up to Haruka's cheek. "Don't worry about this afternoon. I couldn't be there either." "This is the *worst* time to have more trouble coming our way." Michiru knew better than to disagree. "Maybe so, but we're all going to have to make our sacrifices. Most of us have to skip work or school to fight evil. At least your excuse is unselfish." She placed a hand over the small bump on Haruka's belly. "We can't have you open to attack. Even Luna and Artemis get targeted when things go bad. Or they leap out into the line of fire." She gave her petulant girlfriend a meaningful smirk. "And you *know* you would as well." "Eh, well... You know how I'm such a lovely fool like that." Yes, Michiru really did still love her. Madly. Even after everything they had been through. "Yes, that you are." She sighed, and settled herself back into Haruka's lap. "When are you going to stop wearing that to bed?" Haruka looked down at the shirt that was now buttoned only over her chest. "Soon. Maybe." "You *know* how pretty you are. And it's your fault I haven't been able to stop giggling whenever I remember you coming in to show me yesterday. That just wasn't fair, making me broody like that so suddenly." "I know. I like it when you get excited." "Don't keep the shirt too long then. I *am* going to fawn over you whenever I can." Haruka sighed and nodded, letting her fingers intertwine with Michiru's again. "As long as it's you, I can handle that." That was acceptable. "Don't worry," Michiru said reassuringly. "You'll feel better soon. I know you will." "Thanks." They sat there together for a while, just enjoying each others presence until the faint sound of the front door reached their ears. "That's our girls," Michiru said. "We should say hello before they think we've gone to bed already." Haruka looked around them. "Haven't we?" Michiru couldn't help but smile. "I'll get your robe, but at least take off the shirt first." *** As expected, the new Sailor Senshi fight at The Midnight Garden made the national headlines the next day. Wild speculation and prophesizing were in abundance, from tales of inter-dimensional vengeance against the Senshi to the coming of a new apocalypse for Tokyo which would rival the devastation Galaxia left in her wake. The part Ami liked, however, was the note of how easily the 'new' youma had been driven from the park and defeated. Even with all the doomsayers in the papers, confidence in the Sailor Senshi's ability to defend Japan seemed to be at an all time high after this last incident. That was nice. There were always calls on talk shows and special reports for the Senshi to do more - to become full time heroes and police the country themselves - but rarely did people seem to genuinely appreciate what they *did* do until a crisis hit. And even then, there were all of the things they *should* have done, and the few unfortunate victims who *should* have been saved. To hear people saying that they felt safe simply because the Senshi were out there somewhere... It was a welcome lift to the spirits. People might have felt like that more often if the Senshi did give interviews, and make some public statements on television. It might have given them more confidence to have people like Minako or Usagi addressing their concerns, but that was a dangerous road to take. They were only ten people, and all the magic in the world was not enough sometimes. If they started taking responsibility so openly then they would be blamed for incidents that *no-one* could have prevented, not even Sailor Moon. It was better to remain anonymous, doing what they could when they were needed, no matter what people said. Even interviews like Minako and Uranus' after they had returned from Seiji had come with their share of backlash. Scientific communities around the world were up in arms about the alternative dimension theory, and all racing to be the first ones to prove or disprove it, with technology that could not hope to do either. It had been bad enough when they had been arguing over how the Senshi's 'magic' worked. Yes, staying out of the public eye was for the best, and with that thought Ami marched into the offices of the AKB publishing company. AKB were not a big publisher, responsible for putting out a half dozen or so gossip and home living magazines. They were not high-brow journalism, but they were popular amongst women with little time or inclination to read anything more demanding. AKB were also the employers of one Karasuro Jin, and it was his little cubicle office that Ami was ushered to when she reached the third floor. "Mizuno-san, please, take a seat," Jin offered, smiling like a perfect host as she stood from his desk. "Can I offer you coffee?" "I'm fine," Ami said, taking the offered seat. "So what brings you to my humble den?" Jin, asked, thinking nothing more of the coffee pot in the hallway. "It has been months since we last met properly. I trust Tenoh-san and Kaioh-san are well?" It was an innocent enough question to most, but then he was a gossip journalist and Ami had made sure to keep her guard up. "I am not here to give an interview, Karasuro-san. I am here because of this." She laid the latest issue of the magazine in question on the desk. The cover was of Haruka and Michiru walking hand in had around a clothing store, obviously not yet aware of their cameraman. "A lovely picture, I thought," Jin said as he looked down. "And as far as public interest stories go theirs makes for a nice change of pace, doesn't it?" Privately Ami had to admit that it did. It was far less invasive and speculative than she had feared, and the majority of the pictures around the article were acceptable enough. There was, however, the picture focused on Haruka's stomach as she had reached to the upper shelves for a larger size of jean, and there were several of the pair's more public indiscretions as well. Not that they would have minded being seen with their arms around each other at the time, or caught pecking a cheek, but being caught on photo made it seem far less... casual. "I understand that you are fond of covering homosexual issues, Karasuro-san," Ami said, obviously evading the question, "and that is commendable enough. However, pregnancy can be stressful enough without being stalked by paparazzi. For Haruka-san's sake, and her child's, I would like you not to use these methods for the duration of her pregnancy." Jin sighed, and sat back in his chair. "Mizuno-san, Tenoh-san is a celebrity. She is more than used to the public eye, and if she won't come out for them then they will pry. That's how things go. She is not shy about the camera." "Perhaps not," Ami conceded, "but a lot is changing for her during this time and this additional stress is affecting her health. I have looked into your past work, Karasuro-san, and I wouldn't be here banging my head against a wall if I thought you did not care. You don't usually resort to hidden cameras and stalking. Why now, when it is obviously affecting her?" Jin remained expressionless, but there was something in his eyes that seemed to be assessing whether she was being truthful, or just whining to have her friend left alone. "Tenoh-san is obstinate, Mizuno- san. She always has been. This issue could make her and Kaioh-san important again for the gay community, who have been too reliant on one shot pop stars and overplayed TV drama recently. They can't just choose to have a child and then hide away for months like this. Haruka-san is seen maybe once a week, if that? That's not like her." "Then you do not know her as well as you think, Karasuro-san," Ami replied, uncharacteristically blunt. "She deserves her privacy, and unless you want to drive her further away from the camera, you should give her that privacy. To say nothing of her health when she is too worried about being followed or photographed to think straight, let alone take proper care of herself." "That sounds like something people might want to hear about as well, Mizuno-san." Ami stopped short, realising she might just have given him more ammunition with which to hunt up a story. "How about she actually gives me an interview about it sometime?" Ami didn't know whether that was a way out for them both or just for her, but she did not take the bait whole. "That's not my place to say. And I would not ask her quite yet," she added, giving him a dry smile. "She is not very happy with you at the moment." Jin nodded, not looking entirely satisfied, but having been given food for thought at least. He nodded, and rose to his feet. "Alright. I'll do that. And incidentally," he pulled a card from his pocket, "we had someone contact us a little while back. Some school kid who was after something. I was going to look into it, it sounded like a decent scoop, but you might want to pass it on to Tenoh-san before we have that interview. That's also my card, if she happens to change her mind about me in the mean time." Ami took the business card and flipped it over to see some hand written notes on the back, a few web addresses, and a name: Tenoh Maki. *** Rei was very glad to have wrangled the day off that Saturday. Her own schooling and part-time work were both less intensive than Makoto's were these days but, combined with a poorly timed late night running around greater Tokyo as Sailor Mars, the week had wiped her out. Today she could afford to put off what remained of the weeks homework and she made the effort to dress in her red and white robes for the morning. She certainly hadn't intended to do anything requiring more effort than sweeping the front of the shrine, so that was what she did. The late autumnal leaves weren't going to clear themselves up, and letting her do it at her own lazy pace was as much sloth as her grandfather would let her get away with. He was a lenient landlord, often so laid back that he might have been asleep, but he did expect *some* work to be done on occasion. Especially since she had planned to spend the afternoon crashing out with Makoto at her apartment, and that signalled the end of the day's work for both of them. While the shrine was often more convenient for them as a group, Rei knew that the extra trip was more than her girlfriend needed right then. Makoto was willing to go there, and both Rei and her grandfather were happy to host, but Makoto did spend a fair amount of time bussing her way to and from the shrine these days and it wasn't the shortest of trips from her flat. As such Rei had been welcomed in with open arms when she arrived ten minutes late - her hair just wouldn't behave after her morning's sweeping! - and she was glad to see that Makoto seemed willing to relax rather than spending what time she'd had after work tidying for her arrival. "What? I can't just have you walking in when there's stuff everywhere," was Makoto's usual excuse, but it was feeble considering the usual state of Rei's room at the shrine whenever Makoto stayed over, and Rei told her as much. "Well, that's because you're a slob," Makoto joked in return. "I'll house train you yet!" It wasn't a day for worrying about the fight, or Makoto's college work, or for rushing about town with the boundless energy of their high school years. Instead, curling up on Makoto's comfortable couch was all that really seemed worthwhile, so they did just that, sitting at opposite ends, with a hot drink in their hands and Makoto's toes sitting on top of Rei's. "I've been thinking," Makoto said after they'd exhausted the meagre offerings of daytime television. "Do you think I might be like Haruka- kun?" "Huh? Mako, you're *nothing* like Haruka-san. Except how handsomely tall you both are." After all, Rei thought, what about the two *was* alike? Makoto revelled in the womanly arts while Haruka actively abstained from them, or at least gave that impression. Makoto was earnest and outgoing and Haruka's charm was in being mysterious and elusive. With Makoto you saw who she really was, even when she was trying to suppress her instincts. When Haruka was flirting you saw what you *wanted* to see, which was all that she intended to showed you. To Rei's surprise it didn't seem to be what Makoto wanted to hear. Of course, Makoto was very fond of Haruka, but hadn't she already lost the desire to emulate her? "Handsomely tall?" Though not altogether satisfied Makoto still smiled. "Is that what you're calling it?" Rei 'hmmm'ed, growing a smile of her own. "How about 'stunningly' then? 'Gorgeously'?" "Now you're just making fun." "Don't complain when I'm flirting with you. It doesn't happen often, you know." Rei leaned her head into the back of the couch, looking at Makoto at an angle. "What part of you is like Haruka-san then?" Makoto looked down at her empty mug. "I don't mean a part of me. Just... I've been wondering, maybe I am a lesbian after all?" Rei blinked and sat up straight again. "Eh? Mako-chan, I hate to break it to you, but we've been dating for the last five months. Unless you've been thinking about your old sempai when we've slept together, and God I *really* didn't want that idea in my head and if it's true I'm *so* going to kill you." Thankfully Makoto giggled. "Of course not!" Now it was her who rested her head against the sofa back, wondering quietly. "But that's what I was thinking about. You know, my sempai, and... guys in general. What if I was gay all along, and I just didn't know it? I mean, maybe they could tell, or maybe I was doing something so they *wouldn't* stick around. Subconsciously, I mean." Rei was sceptical. "You really think so? You were pretty ferocious when you had a guy in your sights, you know." "I don't know. I mean, I thought they were handsome, but it's not like I don't know which girls are pretty either." She gave Rei a meaningful look, and Rei blushed. "So maybe I was going after the handsome guys because I thought that was what it's like to like a guy?" "And you felt that with the girls too?" It was a flaw in Makoto's logic, and as soon as Rei had said it Makoto knew she was right. "Uh, no, I guess not. But I didn't feel like that about you either, and you're the only one who's ever made me feel like *this*. You're the only one I've ever been really in *love* with, I think." Rei could only blush, her heart fluttering as Makoto spoke. "I just don't know why I was crushing on them. Or why they never even wanted to date me properly, instead of staying around just so I'd have sex with them. I thought that might be the answer, if I was really girl-only like Haruka-kun is, and I've just been fooling myself all this time." Rei didn't have an answer. She'd tried looking for one herself, back when she'd still been scared of the idea of intimacy with Makoto, and she had not found a satisfactory answer for herself. "Mako, maybe you're thinking too hard about it. I know I still find guys attractive, and if I wasn't," she stumbled over her tongue a little, "if I wasn't in love with you I'd still be dating them. The only other girls I've ever liked were, A; involved already and *not* gay, or b; someone I only got along with when we were both blind drunk." She shifted over on the sofa so she was sitting next to Makoto instead of toe to toe. "And if Michiru-san can't help me work it out then maybe it's not as simple as people say." "You asked her?" Rei nodded. "Yup. She always knew she was into women. I knew it was possible that I could like girls after a while, but I never expected to find one I could actually try dating. Or would want to. And here you were all along. Weird, huh?" That seemed to be enough of an answer for Makoto. Maybe it wasn't something she was ever going to understand, and maybe that didn't matter. Despite the problems in her past, it had worked out better than she could have hoped for. "Weird?" she asked with a kiss. "I'd say fortunate." *** Saturday evening for Minako was less relaxed, even less so than her evenings usually were. She had spent at least an extra hour getting ready for the performance because of the dinner she would once again attend with her boss, and this time with the most senior of her co- stars as well. It might not have taken so long to get ready had she not been bubbling down the phone to Usagi about it all the while. Her anticipation was not all happiness and light though. She needed to find out what the hell had happened at the park the night before, and why their friends - *all* of their extra-dimensional ones, in fact - had be the victims of the kind of tactics that they would have been *perpetrating* had they still been working for the forces of evil. Not that Minako saw evil as being quite so clear cut these days, but dammit, it was the principle of the thing that mattered! However, behind the scenes of the show there seemed little to learn. Everyone was still on edge about the 'youma attack', and even Minako's carefully prodding about anything strange that the youma might have been there for came up blank. After all, none of her co-stars had worked at the park much longer than she had. What was there to know? Realistically Minako needed to be investigating the engineers, planners and caretakers; the ones behind the scenes who had access to the whole park, day or night. There was plenty of opportunity there to set up traps, magical barriers or to do whatever they did while patrolling to pick up litter or check the lights. But on the up side the scare the night before had not put the public off this time. If anything people came specifically to see if there was any remnant of the Senshi's fight, and the play was as well attended as ever. It was also nice to hear her friends beam about having seen Sailor Venus take on four youma single handed, at least until the super-heroine's companions had turned up to help. That was a cool ego boost. After the show they said their goodbyes for the weekend, and commiserated with Minako that she hadn't seen Sailor Venus's valiant stand (how cool is that!?) However, instead of making their own ways to their car and scooter Yuuta and Minako waited for Marya's re-appearance. It was quite something, they had said quietly between themselves, but Marya did not need her costume to have the presence of a star. The business woman who emerged had lost none of the mystery or charisma of the pale, caped narrator of their haunting drama. Kashimura Yuuta had spent decades honing his stage presence and acting skill, but Ono Marya might as well have been born with the first, and gifted with the second from her parents. Minako had to wonder, then, whether her employer was always playing a part, or whether it was a challenge to suppress her natural bearing on the stage. "I do apologise, but dinner tonight will be delayed a little," Marya said, once they had returned to the living quarters within the haunted manor. The park would still be open for many hours yet, but the one problem with these late shows, they all agreed, was that the earliest they could eat was 8.30pm, and that was at one of the park's food stands or the restaurant. It was not a short trip back home for some of them, even just into Tokyo proper. Strangely she paused in the main office waiting room, bringing Minako and Yuuta to a sudden stop. "The truth is, these dinners of ours are not purely social, or just recompense for the hassle you have both undergone since this park's opening. There is another project that I have had in mind for some time, and now that I have come to know you, I was hoping the two of you could help head it for me." Then, from Marya's own office, a pale girl emerged. She wore black from head to toe, and was made up as if she had been a vampire from their play, though without the press-on fangs Dracul or Vampiru wore. Was she a new actor? Nothing had been announced about anyone having to be replaced. More likely she was a new ghost for the haunted house itself, but Minako couldn't shake the feeling she recognised her. She looked over to Yuuta, and he seemed even more surprised. "Is... Isn't that..." "I'd like you to join her," Marya went on, as if Yuuta hadn't said anything. It was now that Minako noticed, Marya's poise had changed. Gone was the tight, professional edge in her voice, and with it the distance there had seemed to be between her imposing self and Minako. "I'd like you to join us," that strange, serene voice whispered. "As family, my friends." Minako didn't get a chance to think about what Marya meant. Her warrior's instinct - that little part of Sailor Venus that let her know she was needed - told her that they were not alone. While Marya had spoken someone had slipped behind them, and even now was bearing down on her. Had the circumstances been different she might have had a chance to act, but Marya's secretary, Kasahara-san, had reflexes that belied his large frame. Before she could move he pressed something into her back, and with the click of a button Minako's body arched and her mind went blank, the stun gun having done its job. Unlike Yuuta she hadn't had time to recognise the new, pale girl as the one from all the police photos before Kasahara Kizugi had rendered her unconsciousness. *** To Be Continued... *** Please send any comments and constructive criticism to: They are always greatly appreciated, and there is no better reward for a writer than to hear back from the readers. (c) Nutzoide 2009-2011